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Italian tv show axed after outcry over ‘sexy shopping’ tutorial

Guide on how to be seductive while at the supermarket causes storm of controversy in Italy.

Italian state broadcaster Rai has cancelled one of its shows after it offered women tips on how to "shop in a sexy way" to seduce fellow shoppers at the supermarket.

The tutorial, part of the Detto Fatto programme on Rai2, featured pole dancer Emily Angelillo dressed in a leather miniskirt and high heels, advising female viewers on how to be sexy while buying their groceries.

Tips included how to walk in a sexy way while pushing a shopping trolley and how to reach a packet of crisps off a high shelf in the most "sensual" manner, with a little flick of the leg for extra "intrigue."

Other tips included how to pick up an item off the ground - which may or may not have fallen accidentally - while remembering to keep your legs closed to "avoid making the situation more vulgar."

The segment was aired on the eve of International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, a fact that didn't go unnoticed by members of the public who slammed the episode on social media.

Many were outraged, some were in disbelief, others thought initially that it was a parody. It wasn't.

The programme was condemned by politicians including government ministers who demanded to know why the piece was aired on public television.

"For how long must we continue talking about women in a false, stereotypical way, with stiletto heels, sexy moves, always perfect, mermaids or witches?" asked Italy's agricultural minister Teresa Bellanova on Twitter.

The head of Rai, Fabrizo Salini, promised an investigation into the episode which has “nothing to do with the spirit of the public service and with the editorial line of Rai." Last night Salini announced that the programme has been cancelled.

Detto Fatto host, Bianca Guaccero, has accepted responsibility and apologised on behalf of the programme for the "superficiality" of the segment.

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