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Marymount - International School Rome

Italy premier pays restaurant bill for runaway Italian diners in Albania

Italian tourists ran off without paying in Albanian restaurant.

Italy's prime minister Giorgia Meloni settled an unpaid restaurant bill in Albania after a group of Italian tourists did a runner without paying for their meal.

The incident, which made headlines in both countries, occurred in the city of Berat as Meloni and her family were visiting Albania as guests of prime minister Edi Rama.

When Meloni heard what happened she instructed the Italian embassy in Tirana to "go and pay the bill for these idiots", Rama told La Stampa newspaper.

The embassy subsequently released a statement confirming that Meloni had ordered the bill to be paid, stressing that the money came from the premier's personal funds.

"Italians respect the rules and pay their debts, and we hope that such episodes will not be repeated", the embassy statement concluded.

The owner of the restaurant told Albanian media that the bill came to around €80 - the equivalent of €20 a head for the four runaway diners - and that it was the first time that people had fled his establishment without paying.

Footage of the incident showing the four Italians running away went viral on social media, prompting widespread scorn and shame in Italy.

Albania has enjoyed a tourism boom in recent years, with its beautiful beaches and low prices making it particularly popular with tourists from nearby Italy.

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Marymount - International School Rome
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