Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia

Italy offers €200 Spa Bonus

From 8 November spa-goers can take advantage of Italy's Spa Bonus which can be claimed regardless of income.

The Italian government is offering a €200 bonus to be spent on thermal spa treatments in a move that has attracted both praise and criticism.

The state-funded offer is part of a €53 million stimulus package allocated to the spa and wellness sector, hit hard by covid-19, under a government decree unveiled in August.

The one-off, non-transferable incentive covers up to 100 per cent of your booked spa service, with a maximum of €200 per person. Customers will only have to pay any amount exceeding the €200 limit.

Who is eligible Italy's Spa Bonus?

Every adult citizen and legal resident of Italy over the age of 18 is entitled to take advantage of the bonus which must be used within 60 days of being claimed.

How to claim Italy's Spa Bonus

Bookings can be made from midday on 8 November at any of the accredited establishments, listed on the Invitalia website, which claim the bonus on behalf of the customer.

The offer, which has been welcomed by the spa sector, is subject to availability and is set to benefit about 265,000 people.

The incentive is available to everyone, regardless of their income, something which consumer watchdog Codacons has described as "crazy".

In a statement Codacons said: "Even those who have no economic difficulties can take advantage of the subsidy to enjoy vacation days at the spa or moments of relaxation, to the detriment of the community that finances the bonus."

The move follows a €100 bonus from the government, also regardless of income, towards the cost of buying a new television set.

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