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Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Marymount - International School Rome

James Bond closes Rome streets

007 movie continues to cause street closures and traffic detours

Filming for Spectre, the latest James Bond movie, continues to cause disruption to commuters in Rome. Since filming began in mid-February, film crews have closed off sections of the city centre, most notably on Corso Vittorio Emanuele and along the river Tiber, to facilitate the car chases of secret agent 007.

On Wednesday 4 March the section of Via degli Scialoja between Via G. B. Vico and Lungotevere Arnaldo da Brescia will be closed from 21.00 until 05.00 the next morning, and again during the same hours on the night between 5 and 6 March.

Then it is the turn of Via Panisperna in the Monti district where filming takes place on Friday 6 March.

On the night of Sunday 8 March, Via Nomentana (between Viale Gorizia and Porta Pia) and Via Reggio Emilia (from Via Nomentana to Via Alessandria) will be closed for nine hours, from 21.00 until 06.00 the next morning.

Daniel Craig, the British actor who plays the leading role in the 24th edition of the popular series, recently received minor injuries after bumping his head during a car chase, proving that even James Bond is no match for Rome's sampietrini.

Earlier this year, city officials banned Bond producers from filming a proposed car chase in the centre, over fears it could damage the Quattro Fontane fountains, as well as vetoing the use of the Campo Verano cemetery for filming purposes.

For full traffic updates and bus detours see Muoversi a Roma website.

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