Taco 1920 x 116
Taco 1920 x 116
Taco 1920 x 116
Acorn P H1 - 700 x 180

Local election run offs.

In the run off vote for provincial and city council administrations 22 provinces and 6 provincial capital cities will reopen their polling booths on Saturday 27 June from 15.00 - 22.00 and on Sunday 28 June from 07.00 - 22.00. There will also be a second ballot for a further 95 councils.

The votes of Northern League supporters will be the deciding factor in many of these ballots including in the province of Milan where they polled 8.6 per cent in the first round of voting. The centre-left candidate Filippo Penati, who won 43.2 per cent of the votes in the first round, will be standing against the centre-right candidate Ombretta Colli who received 38.3 per cent in the first ballot.

In the city council ballots Arezzo in Tuscany will hold what is expected to be one of the closest run contests. At the first ballot the centre-left candidatre Monica Belloni won 49.6 per cent and her right-wing opponent won 49.3 per cent. The vote will be decided by who wins the support of a small group of conservationists who polled 1 per cent in the first round.

Temple ASAP
Smiling H3 - 1920x190
Smiling H3 - 1920x190
Smiling H3 - 1920x190
Smiling H3 - 320x480
Acorn High H5 bis 1400 x 360