Moravia's apartment donated to Rome.
The Fondazione Moravia has announced that it will donate the apartment in which Alberto Moravia lived to the city of Rome so that it may be opened to the public. The apartment on Lungotevere dell Vittoria (Rome) in which the writer Alberto Moravia (28.11.07 26.09.90) spent most of his life was turned into the seat of the Fondazione Moravia in 1992 by his heirs, his long-term companion, Dacia Maraini and his wife, Carmen Llera. The apartment will be turned over to the city as part of the celebrations in honour of the centenary of Moravias birth, which will be on 28 November 2007, The opening will occur a soon as the necessary bureaucratic operations have been completed and will be accompanied by further celebrations in Paris, Venice and Milan.
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