More pay-parking around Rome.
Pay-and-display car parking will be introduced around the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Aventino from 19 September, costing 1 per hour. In S. Saba the area from Piazza di Porta S. Paolo down the Viale Aventino to the FAO there will be over 900 car-parking bays, more than 30 free spaces for scooters and motorbikes, 20 places for disabled drivers and 10 points for loading and unloading goods. In Rione the area between Piazza dei Servili and Viale del Circo Massimo there will be over 1,700 car-parking bays, and 185 free spaces for scooters and motorbikes. As in the rest of the city, free parking is guaranteed for residents, who should already have received their permits. People living and working in the immediate area are also entitled to free parking permits but will have to prove their entitlement at the Contact Centre in Via Ostiense 131/L, tel. 0657118333 or fax 0657118259, or online at
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