More strikes.
Employees of Alitalia are meeting on 20 April to decide on future industrial action in the absence of any definite business plan from the government. Delays are expected at all Italian airports while these meetings are held.
Italian trades union Federations, CGIL,CISL and UIL are preparing for a series of stikes and demonstrations in the weeks leading up to the European elections in early June. Workers in many sections have not yet received pay increases agreed by the government in 2002 and many more are still awaiting agreement on long overdue contracts.
People working at director level in public offices, universities, research institutes and in the fire brigade are expected to strike for 24 hours on Tuesday 20 April and hospital doctors are due to demonstrate in Rome on Saturday 24 April.
The trades unions are also considering two possible dates for a general strike, either 21 or 28 May.
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