More traffic plans for Rome's centre.
The Rome city council has plans to remove all private cars from the central area between the Piazza del Popolo, Via del Babuino and Via di Ripetta and to make Via del Corso a pedestrian precinct. The city's agency responsible for mobility, STA, has presented a project for a seven-floor car park with space for 726 cars to be built under the Pincio hill. The parking spaces would be sold to city centre residents who hold a car permit to enter the restricted area. The price of these parking spaces has not been revealed but it is expected that they would cost about 40,000 per space. If the STA project is approved building could begin in the spring of 2005 with completion in 2007 at a total cost of 21 million.
According to the plans no new car parking spaces will be created in the centre of the city other than 400 new spaces for motorbikes and 150 spaces for bicycles, and eventually the smaller streets in the area will be closed to all 4-wheel traffic, except for deliveries during restricted hours.
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