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Most wanted graffiti writer in Europe caught in Rome

Geco’s identity unveiled: the most wanted graffiti writer in Europe denounced by police in Rome

Creator of hundreds of graffiti tags and stickers, named "Geco" throughout different areas of Rome was identified by the Nucleo Ambiente Decoro della Polizia Locale di Roma Capitale.   The 30-year-old Italian citizen, writes Il Messagero, is called Lorenzo Perris. 

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The careful investigation began about a year ago, and through searches in various neighborhoods of the Italian capital, police agents traced the culprit, and finally identified him in the Prenestino district. 

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During the inspection, more than 1,000 stickers, dozens of spray cans, technical tools such as climbing ropes or fire extinguishers modified as paint diffusers, as well as PCs and electronic equipment were found and seized.  The man was handed over to judicial authorities for charges of vandalism and continued crime, which will be followed by claims for damages filed by parties involved.

"Hundreds of spray cans, thousands of stickers, ropes, fire extinguishers, padlocks, six cell phones, computers, brushes, rollers and buckets of paint", went the Facebook post from the mayor of Rome Virginia Raggi, "This is the material that the Nucleo Ambiente e Decoro of our local Police has seized from the Roman writer known as 'Geco' who, together with Councillor Linda Meleo, we had already reported for defacing several buildings in our city".

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"Thanks to the work of NAD, and a year of investigations coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Rome,” added Raggi, “our agents were able to identify the writer.  The magistrates then ordered house searches.  He was considered impenetrable, but now Geco has been identified and reported. He has smeared hundreds of walls and buildings in Rome and other European cities, which must be cleaned up with the money of the citizens. A story no longer tolerable”.

Most recently, Geco made headlines for tarnishing the Aurelian Walls (which date back to 271 AD), with his ugly tag.  

Ph:Torre serbatorio di Angelo Mazzoni - fanpage.it

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