Motoring fines office struggles to cope
The office that deals with the appeals of Rome car owners who believe they have received motoring fines unfairly or whose payments have not been registered will now hear only a limited number of cases each day. The city council's contraventions' office in Via Ostiense is battling with a backlog caused by missing and out-of-date records and delays in entering fines and payments into its computer system. The result has been waits of up to four hours for car owners who have received an ultimatum stating that they may have their car confiscated and will be issued with a stiffer penalty if they do not pay their fines or clear up the claim within 20 days. From 1 Dec to 9 Jan 2004, the office will deal with 125 cases each day on Mon, Wed and Fri, when it is open 08.30-12.30, and 200 cases each day on Tues and Thurs, when it is also open in the afternoon (from 08.30-12.30 and 14.00-17.00 on Tues and 08.30-17.00 non-stop on Thurs). Those who arrive too late to be heard will have to try again the following day, but from 8 Dec car owners can make an appointment by calling the city council's central helpline on tel. 060606.
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