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New Year in Rome.

Thinking about New Years Eve yet? Every year the Rome council offers free events for citizens and visitors to the city and this year it will be A Rock Revolution starting at 22.00 on the 31 December. Piazza Esedra at the top end of the Via Nazionale will become the setting for a nostalgic evening to celebrate 50 years of Rock and Roll; with music by Elvis Presley, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Hendrix and Dylan. The buildings in the sqaure will be used as giant screens to show historic film clips of occasions and people associated with the period, from Woodstock to Andy Warhol. Live music will be played by i Penge and i Rock and Roll New Comets Band with guest appearances by Max Gazz and Federico Zampaglione from the popular group Tiromancino. The show will end at 02.00 on 1 January. See:

At Pigneto, the fashionable area at the beginning of the Via Casilina there will be an alternative free event called Turn off the Fire with a video installation and dj performances playing dance music for all age groups, disco, Latin American and ballroom.

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