Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
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Online University courses in Italy

Online universities in Italy are by no means inferior to traditional ones. 

On the contrary, they offer conferences and events to participate in, masters in collaboration with foreign universities, and classes in which participation is required.  All you need to attend one of Italy’s online universities is a high school diploma. 

However, most of them require on-site attendance with professors in order to pass exams.  There are currently eleven accredited online universities in Italy.  Here we take a look at nine Italian online universities that appeal to international students, and the characteristics of each.

University of Niccolò Cusano

The University Niccolò Cusano is a private university in Rome, founded in 2006 and legally recognized.  The University Niccolò Cusano provides modern didactics through the most current multimedia platforms to optimize time dedicated to studies. 

UniCusano faculty members fulfill the dual roles of university professors (full and associate) and university researchers, something unique for public, state and private universities.  Many teachers are actively working in their field of expertise, such as Law, Economics, and Humanities, creating a synergistic process between learning and the workforce.  UniCusano offers Short Degree Courses: compared to the four, five or six-year study cycle, the online Bachelor's degree courses are condensed into three years.

Forms of teaching and exams

  • Lessons can be video-recorded or in live videoconference
  • Text materials are downloadable, to study and consult at any time
  • Self-assessment tests are provided to measure the level of learning
  • Students also have the opportunity to follow lessons in person at the Unicusano headquarters in Rome, a university campus with classrooms, laboratories, and libraries.
  • Exams are conducted in- person on the Rome campus

Enrollment Process

To find out by when you can enroll in the university, it is advisable to consult the individual announcements of the bachelor's, master's, single courses and advanced training and professional development courses provided by “UniCusano". 

Master’s Degree Programs

  • Law
  • Civil Engineering
  • Electronic Engineering
  • Management Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Psychology
  • International Relations
  • Economic Sciences
  • Pedagogical Sciences

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

  • Business Administration and Management
  • Civil Engineering
  • Management Engineering
  • Psychology, Psychological Sciences and Techniques
  • Education and Training Sciences
  • Political Science and International Relations

Leonardo da Vinci University

The Leonardo da Vinci University is a private university founded by the "Gabriele D'Annunzio" University and the Ud'A Foundation (Gabriele D'Annunzio University Foundation).  

It consists of the online campus of the Italian public G. D'Annunzio University, and provides services exclusively online.  Legally recognized, the degrees acquired have the same value as those issued by traditional universities. 

The Leonardo da Vinci University provides degree course classes, starting from the enrollment phase, which occurs automatically through registration on the main website.  The only in- person meetings required are during the exams that are held at the Torrevecchia Teatina (Chieti) location.

Forms of Teaching And Exams

  • Support to traditional teaching, ranging from simple services to the student, up to the actual online lessons through “tutors”.  Tutors are professional figures that ensure the maintenance of courses, to motivate the participant and support them.  Each tutor maintains a long-distance relationship with students via e-mail, telephone, etc., guaranteeing a response within a time frame appropriate to effective teaching.
  • Undergraduate online courses are a complete cycle of lessons given exclusively through the E- learning network
  • The Leonardo Da Vinci University utilizes the virtual classroom, the virtual conference platform, online lessons and the self-assessment test as didactic tools.
  • The exams can be conducted, at the teacher's discretion, through written test, oral interview or a combination of the two, on- site.

Enrollment Process

  • Enrollment in the online degree programs at Leonardo da Vinci University is always open.
  • Students, after paying the enrollment fees, receive access to the online platform and enroll in the first available quarter, drawing up their own study plan through the distribution of credits in the following 3 quarters.

Master’s Degree Programs

  • Law

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

  • Business Administration and Management
  • Psychology, Psychological Sciences and Techniques
  • Education and Training Sciences

The University of Guglielmo Marconi

The University of Guglielmo Marconi was the first online university in Italy recognized by the MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research), and combines online training methodologies with in-person training activities through lessons, seminars, and laboratories. 

The University of Guglielmo Marconi created a first-class training model thanks to the use of innovative technological tools, international orientation, and a multidisciplinary approach, and now boasts over 16,000 students.

Forms of Teaching And Exams

  • Lessons are conducted through video lectures by the teachers, who can make use of technological tools (PC, interactive whiteboard, educational software, simulators, etc.) and explanatory slideshows that allow for more effective exposure to subjects.
  • Virtual classrooms provide an environment where direct interaction between teachers and students takes place, and which allows cooperative and collaborative learning in real time.
  • Textual material to support the lessons are made up of independent modules aimed at facilitating learning.
  • Exams are conducted virtually and can be of different types: Multiple choice, multiple response, true/false, concept maps. They provide immediate feedback that allows the student to verify their preparation, and are a useful tool to better guide studies.

Enrollment Process

It is possible to enroll at any time during the year.  In order to proceed with the enrollment you must register on the unimarconi website (  Before proceeding, we recommend that you consult the page for the necessary documentation and contact the Enrollment Office (+39-06-37725241, +39-06-37725227, +39-06-37725221, to find out about possible economic benefits.

Master’s Degree Programs

  • Philology and Modern Literature
  • Law
  • Energy Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Modern Languages for International Communication
  • Psychology
  • Economic Sciences
  • Pedagogical Sciences
  • Political Science

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

  • Civil Engineering
  • Engineering Management
  • Computer Engineering
  • Psychology, Psychological Sciences and Techniques
  • Education and Training Sciences
  • Economic Sciences and Management
  • Legal Sciences for Business
  • Political Sciences and International Relations

IUL University

IUL University offers online courses, ensuring a flexible, fast and intuitive learning experience suitable for students of all types.  The degrees awarded by IUL are recognized by the Ministry of University and Research and are equivalent to those of all Italian universities. 

The strength of IUL is the organization and management of training developed completely online offering the high standards of traditional universities.  A modern university structure that is comfortable and easy to use while maintaining fundamental direct contact between student and professor, thanks to the sophisticated technology made available to students.

Forms of teaching and exams

  • Lessons are conducted through video lectures, web-conferencing or online meetings with faculty; structured study materials for teaching purposes are offered in a variety of virtual forms.
  • E-activities, such as reports, exercises, case studies, and research, either individual or collaborative, are carried out by the students with relative feedback.
  • The in- person exams can be taken at all offices of the National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research, and at the 33 exam centers that have an agreement with INDIRE, located throughout Italy (including Rome, Florence and Milan), as well as Dubai.

Enrollment Process

Enrollment is open year- round.  In order to enroll at the Online University of IUL you need to register (non-binding) on the university’s GOMP online platform.  Once the credentials have been certified, a second guided access to the platform will be necessary in order to manage one's own page and insert personal data, a tax declaration and any disability to be recognized. 

At this point, you select your path and start building your university career.  The last step required is to send the registration form.  You will have to print the application, fill it in all its parts, sign it and send it to the postal address indicated, along with a Student Contract and special stamp.

Master’s Degree Programs

  • Law
  • Educational Innovation and Lifelong Learning in Adult Education in National and International Contexts

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

  • Communication and Multimedia
  • Psychology, Psychological Sciences and Techniques
  • Education and Training Sciences
  • Economics and Management

Unitelma Sapienza

Unitelma Sapienza is the only online university directly linked to the largest public university in Italy, the Sapienza University of Rome.  The research carried out by its professors, including participation in national, European and international calls for proposals, is financed by the public university, which allocates 2.5% of its revenue to research development.  Unitelma is notable for the activities of promoting conferences and workshops on the "hot" topics that interest society. 

Efficiency and quality of services to students are ensured by a team of technical- administrative personnel managed under the same National Collective Labor Agreement as other public universities.

Forms of teaching and exams

  • Delivery of lesson content is based almost exclusively on video lessons supported by in-depth study materials
  • Interactive online activities are used (forums, wikis, webinars) to encourage both vertical interaction (teacher-student) and horizontal interaction (student- student).
  • E- tivity:  online activities on offer are not compulsory for students, but are opportunities provided by the university to motivate individual study and prepare for exams.
  • Exams are conducted at the Rome campuses.  The mode (written and/or oral) and the content of exams are indicated in the syllabus of individual teaching programs.

Enrollment Process

It is possible to enroll year-round and the application can be done completely online.  Go to the Registration Application portal on the university website and fill in the information requested.  You will be asked to verify knowledge/skills for certain degree courses.  The enrollment process ends with the stage of payment of university fees.

Master’s Degree Programs

  • Classical Archaeology in English
  • Law
  • Management
  • Management of Public and Healthcare Organizations

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

  • Business Administration and Management
  • Computer Science
  • Psychology, Psychological Sciences and Techniques
  • Administration Sciences

Pegaso University

Pegaso University is an online university built on effective technological standards in the field of e- learning.  In addition to high quality teaching practices, Pegaso's training courses are advantageous thanks to the more than 500 agreements that the online university has signed with the largest Italian companies.

Pegaso University has been chosen by over 100,000 students for its convenient and flexible degree programs.  In order to promote internationalization in the fields of research, teaching and learning, the university stipulates cooperation agreements with universities all over the world.  The inter-university approach promotes international relations in the fields of scientific research and teaching with important universities, such as Louisiana State University and Oklahoma State University. 

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Forms of teaching and exams

All courses and exams are conducted virtually.  There is the possibility of taking exams in one of the 92 locations offered across Italy. 

Enrollment Process

Apply online to the university in a few minutes.  To complete enrollment in the degree program, access the restricted area and upload the requested documents. 

Who Can Apply:  EU citizens wherever they reside, non-EU citizens legally residing in Italy, and Italian citizens in possession of a foreign academic title who intend to apply for the recognition of a specific academic title.

Master’s Degree Programs

  • Law
  • Management Engineering
  • Economic Sciences
  • Pedagogical Sciences

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

  • Business Administration and Management
  • Civil Engineering
  • Psychology, Psychological Sciences and Techniques
  • Education and Training Sciences
  • Political Science and International Relations

eCampus University

eCampus University is one of the leading online universities in Italy, with over 50,000 students and a constantly growing number of courses. The main campus is located in Novedrate (Como, Italy), in the former IBM European Training Center, surrounded by greenery, while the other locations are distributed throughout the Italian territory.  The technological structure of eCampus University, among the most advanced, is designed to create a VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) able to integrate all of the functions that the web makes available to each student (lessons, tests, orientation, placement, internships, library services, administrative services, etc.).

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Forms of teaching and exams

  • eCampus is structured like a traditional university in terms of exam sessions and the degree awarded, but has a different way of organizing the lessons: students can follow them online from their computers or from the mobile App at any time
  • Personal tutors are available online
  • The only activities that are essential to carry out in- person (in the academic offices) are the exams and the discussions of student theses.

Enrollment Process

Once the online application procedure has been completed on the eCampus website, the system will allow you to print your "Matriculation Application" to be signed and to be joined with the documents indicated, dated and signed where required. You will then need to send everything by mail to the physical address of the eCampus University administrative office to complete the registration process.  When they have received the documents, you are officially enrolled.

Master’s Degree Programs

  • Philology and Modern Literature
  • Law
  • Civil Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Modern Languages and Literature and Intercultural Translation
  • Psychology
  • Sciences of Preventive and Adapted Motor Activities
  • Economic Sciences
  • Pedagogical Sciences

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

  • Communication and Multimedia
  • Civil Engineering
  • Management Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Languages and Cultures of the Rest of the World
  • Psychology, Psychological Sciences and Techniques
  • Biological Sciences
  • Education and Training Sciences
  • Sciences and Technologies of Arts, Entertainment and Cinema
  • Economics and Management
  • Legal Sciences for Business
  • Political Sciences and International Relations

University of San Raffaele Rome

The University of San Raffaele Rome is a private online university, fully acreddited, that issues degrees that are equivalent to those issued by traditional universities. 

An e- Learning platform can be accessed at any time in any place.  San Raffaele University in Rome boasts 2 of the World’s Top Scientists among its faculty: Fabrizio Stocchi, Professor of Neurology and Sport and Stefani Bonassi, Professor of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine.

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Both are included in the list drawn up by the University of Stanford for their studies carried out at the IRCCS San Raffaele Rome, where they hold, respectively, the role of Head of the Center for the treatment and diagnosis of Parkinson's disease, and Director of the Clinical and Molecular Epidemiology Unit. 

Forms of teaching and exams

  • The classroom lesson is essentially replaced by recorded lessons available online 24 hours a day, and accompanied by specific didactic materials: slides, illustrative material, question forums and online discussions.  In order to guarantee a high level of quality, the online lessons are integrated with seminar and laboratory activities.
  • The final exams, related to each course, are to be taken in- person, the only time for which presence is necessary at the university.   The examination sessions are held, as indicated by the student at the time of enrollment, at the university headquarters in Rome or Milan.

Enrollment Process

Students interested in enrolling in master's degree programs, advanced training courses or single courses must register on the university website (  Scan all requested documents and submit the registration application.  The online University of San Raffaele Roma will confirm the registration by sending an e-mail.

Master’s Degree Programs

  • Management
  • Human Nutrition Sciences
  • Sciences of Preventive and Adapted Motor Activities

Bachelor’s Degree Programs

  • Fashion Design and Product
  • Food Science
  • Administrative Sciences
The requirements for enrollment in online degree courses are the same as those in force for traditional degree courses.  Therefore, anyone in possession of a high school diploma may enroll.

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How to enroll in an online university in Italy?  Useful information for Non Eu Citizens residing abroad.

If you are a non EU citizen not residing in Italy you can enroll for the first year of study or register for subsequent years with the abbreviation of course, according to the number of available places established by the university.  For this purpose you must apply to the Italian Diplomatic Delegation of your native country, or to the one where you achieved your academic qualification.  The Diplomatic Delegation will verify your documents and provide transmission of them to the university.  Afterwards, you may be required to pass an Italian language proficiency test to be admitted to a course. 
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