Open Courtyards.
Courtyards of 15 private palaces in Rome which are usually closed to the public will be open on Sun 30 May, 10.00-18.00. The annual Cortili aperti event is organised by the Italian association of historic homes (the Associazione Dimore Storiche Italiane, or ADSI). The visits are free and dont require reservations. For more information, tel. 066832774,
Participating for the first time this year are:
Palazzo Baldassini, Via delle Coppelle 35 Palazzo Casali, Via della Stelletta, 23 Palazetto Cenci, Piazza de Cenci 56 Palazzo Fiano Almagia, Piazza S. Lorenzo in Lucina 4 Palazzo Massimo Colonna, Piazza Aracoeli 1
Buildings that were open in the past and are open again this year are:
Palazzo Baldoca Muccioli, Via Giulia 167 Complesso di S. Salvatore in Lauro, Piazza S. Salvatore in Lauro 15 Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, Via del Corso 304 Palazzo Lante, Piazza dei Caprettari 70 Palazzo Lecca di Guevara Pamphilj, Via Giulia 4 Palazzo Odescalchi, Piazza SS. Apostoli 81 Palazzo Pallavinci, Via XXIV Maggio 43 Palazzo Santacroce, Piazza B. Cairoli 6 Palazzo Sforza Cesarini, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II 282 Palazzo Taverna, Via di Monte Giordano
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