Opera notes
At Teatro Regio in Turin it is the turn of Andrea Chnier by Umberto Giordano (18 Feb-2 March). It comes to Turin from Parma under the direction of Ivan Stefanutti. The lovers will be played by tenor Fabio Armiliato (Andrea) and soprano Daniela Dess (Maddalena), who performed together in these roles in Nice in 2000. On that occasion Armiliato was inspired and convincing, if with a few vocal problems. Dess, who performed in this role for the first time, was acclaimed for the beauty of her voice and the flexibility and expression of her phrasing. Carlo Grard, Andreas rival in love, will be played by Juan Pons, who is an old hand in this part. These three will perform on 18, 21, 23 and 26 Feb and 2 March. All ten performances will be conducted by Paolo Olmi, who is in Italy only rarely; his last appearance was in Aida in Parma two years ago. On that occasion the tenor who was playing Radames fell ill during the performance. In the absence of an understudy a tenor from the audience who just happened to know the part offered to take his place. Praise went to him, and also to Olmi for his nerves of steel.
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