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Acorn High H1 - 1920 x 116
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
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Rome's fleet of 80 ambulances came to a standstill for two hours during the afternoon of 9 January thanks to a shortage of hospital beds. The crisis was caused after patients were required to wait long periods in the eme...
The MAXXI National Museum of the 21st Century Arts in Rome is launching a series of promotions to attract new visitors during "a time of crisis", according to the foundation's new president Giovanna Melandri, minister of...
Smiling H2 - 724x450
On 13 January it is one year since the Costa Concordia cruise ship ran aground off the Tuscan island of Giglio. The anniversary is being marked with remembrance services around the world by the relatives of the 32 people...
James Walston explains the ins and outs of Italy's controversial electoral law, which was not amended in time for the February general elections even though all parties agreed that it was unjust and should be changed....
9 Jan. The S.S. Lazio, one of Rome’s most important football teams and sport associations, celebrates today its 113th birthday. The society’s football team, founded in 1900 and better know as Lazio, plays...
Rome has banned the most polluting vehicles from circulating within the city's green belt (the area inside the GRA ring road) on Tuesday 8 January from 07.30 to 20.30, as part of its anti-smog measures. The ban affects t...
A giant sandwich appeared outside the Rome mayor's office in Piazza del Campidoglio on 6 January, designed to reignite the debate around the so-called "anti-panino" law that banned eating on the streets of the city's his...
The streets of Rome have been hit by a spate of robberies of cast iron manhole covers over the Christmas period, mainly in the city districts of Primavalle and Portuense, and Boccea north-west of the capital. Police b...
In central Italy the so-called white tourism has started earlier than previous winter seasons. Perfect whitened slopes and some great promotions are trying to limit the damage caused by the economic crises. There are ma...
Construction of Rome's new national Holocaust Museum is due to get under way in early 2013, according to the city's mayor Gianni Alemanno. The Shoah Museum, which will commemorate Italy’s Jewish victims of the Holo...
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Acorn P H3 - 320 x 480
Rome's refuse collection service AMA has requested that people recycle their Christmas trees, rather than dispose of them illegally in street bins, at any of the city's 13 collection centres for bulky waste or 200 mobile...
The post-Christmas sales season begins in Rome and throughout Lazio from Saturday 5 January, lasting for six weeks, until 15 February. It follows a further decline in consumer confidence over the 2012 Christmas period...
The Bank of Italy has blocked all credit and debit card transactions in the Vatican from 1 January 2013 as part of efforts by Italian financial authorities to curb money laundering in the tiny sovereign state. Italy's...
Authorities have banned the drinking of public water supplies in 32 areas of Lazio, mainly in the Viterbo area north of Rome, due to a high presence of arsenic in the water. The order came into effect on 1 January after...
Italian football team AS Roma is to build a new state-of-the-art stadium in Rome in time for the team's 2016-2017 season. The New Year’s announcement was made during the club's first annual winter training session...
On 1 January in Rome crowds gathered to view the annual Tuffo nel Tevere, by now one of the capital's most unusual and popular New Year’s Day traditions. At midday, immediately after the cannons fired on the Gia...
The International Rome Film Festival will present American movie director Quentin Tarantino with a lifetime achievement award ahead of the European premiere of his Django Unchained, on 4 January. The gala screening of...
Archaeologists have presented the completed excavation of a 900-seat auditorium under Rome's Piazza Venezia, which they are hailing as the city's most significant discovery since the Roman Forum was unearthed 80 years ag...
Rome mayor Gianni Alemanno has announced the launch of Digit Roma, a network of over 700 free wi-fi hot-spots in 170 locations around the city.The plan is to arrive at a thousand hot-spots in 300 locations by the end of...
Some state museums in Italy will be open on Christmas Day and New Year Day. In Rome the Galleria Nazionale d’ Arte Moderna, Palazzo Venezia and Villa Etrusco di Villa Giulia are the best known museums that will...
A part of the underground network of tunnels beneath the Baths of Caracalla is now open to the public for the first time. The galleries date back to the third century AD and also contain one of the largest temples in the...
The volunteers of the Bunker Soratte association have organised a new round of guided tours under the title “Apokalypse 2012”, exploring  fascinating bunkers deep in the heart of the mountain which re...
It now looks as though the rubbish dump at Malagrotto will live on for at least another four months. It should close on 31 December, but because of a lack of reasonable alternatives it will be kept open a bit longer....
The keys to the city of New York, Las Vegas, Bucharest or Prague?  A silver hawk on a haematite glove?  A fur blanket by Valentino? A silver bust of Mother Theresa?  Mayor Gianni Alemanno has donated almos...
Wanted in Rome highlights some of the more interesting cultural events taking place in the capital over the Christmas and New Year's holiday season. The city's biggest show this Christmas is the Brueghel exhibition at...
An unscheduled five-hour strike by baggage handlers at Rome's Fiumicino and Ciampino airports on the afternoon of 18 December resulted in low-cost carrier Ryanair cancelling five flights from Ciampino, grounding hundreds...
As New Year’s Eve approaches, Wanted in Rome highlights a selection of events taking place on the Festa di S. Silvestro, as it is known in Italy, as well as some traditions associated with new year. The traditio...
Fans of Roberto Benigni should tune in to Rai 1 during prime time on 17 December to hear his reading of the Italian constitution. Best known to English-speaking audiences for his role in La Vita è Bella (Life is b...
James Walston examines the alternatives ahead for Mario Monti as Italy prepares for general elections. What follows was first posted on Walston's blog on 16 December. Politics is about power and policy, the two motiva...
On 16 December some 300 cyclists dressed up as Santa Claus and cycled around Rome to raise funds for the city's Peter Pan association which provides support for families with children suffering from cancer. The Father C...
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