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The death toll from the shipwreck off the Tuscan island of Giglio north of Rome has risen to 11, following the discovery of a further five bodies during the afternoon of 17 January, four days after the Costa Concordia ra...
Ertharin Cousin, the current US ambassador to the United Nation
Marymount - International School Rome
English-reading users of Wikipedia will have to do without their favourite first point of reference for 24 hours because the English version of the online encyclopedia is only accessible with difficulty for 24 hours star...
Rome has banned all cars, motorcycles and mopeds with even-numbered licence plates from circulating within the city's green belt (the area inside the GRA ring road) on Tuesday 17 January. The ban is effective from 09...
Authorities searching for survivors on the Costa Concordia shipwreck off the coast of Giglio, a Tuscan island north of Rome, have revised upwards the number of people missing from between 25 and 29, compared to their pre...
The British embassy in Rome has confirmed that 23 British passengers and 12 crew members aboard the Costa Concordia that sank off the small island of Giglio on the night of Friday 13 January are safe and have been flown...
In a statement on the financial aspects of the shipwreck of the Costa Concordia off the coast of Giglio on 13 January, owners Carnival Corporation and Plc put out a statement on 16 January with the following information...
The traditional blessing of the animals takes place in St Peter
Moving Christmas Christmas for children in Rome used to mean Piazza Navona. That was when the square was packed to overflowing and when the smell of candy floss and roast chestnuts filled the air. Those were the days wh...
Surrounded by a myriad of figurines representing the Pope, Obama, European leaders, TV personalities, film stars and football idols, stands a grinning doll-sized Berlusconi. He has ass
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
FiR 320 x 480 H3
You could easily walk through Piazza di Porta S. Giovanni and overlook an elegant, eggshell-pink and marble edifice in the shadow of the Lateran Palace. What looks like a modest church is in fact one of the most importan...
In the wake of the decision of Italy Constitutional Court to reject a referendum on Italy
The Vatican Museums attracted just over five million visitors in 2011, its highest number ever, according to the director of the museums Antonio Paolucci. Paolucci said that the wear and tear of almost 5.1 million vi...
The ongoing story of the Piazza S. Silvestro restyling continues as workers remove large sections of recently-laid cobblestones. The
A procession is due to take place in Rome on Tuesday 10 January in memory of Chinese man Zhou Zeng and his nine month-old daughter Joy who were killed during a botched robbery in the city
Rome's refuse collection service AMA has requested that people recycle their Christmas trees, rather than dispose of them illegally in street bins, at any of the city's 11 collection centres for bulky waste or 128 mobile...
Sales start in Rome on 5 January to the background of lower retail sales and longer shopping hours. The Christmas period has been slack, with purchases in some sectors down 40 per cent, so hope is pinned on the month-lon...
Commercial activities such as shops, bars, restaurants, supermarkets have been liberated from Italy
The new underground car park in Piazza Cavour is now scheduled to open on 24 January, several weeks behind schedule. In the weeks running up to the inauguration the city will have to perfect a new scheme for the flow...
The airports company of Rome ADR is to stop using its automatic baggage handling facility at Fiumicino from midnight on 31 December, resulting in widespread disruption to those travelling through the airport. The dec...
It had been our plan to put news on our website today of the new exhibition of work by Edith Schloss and her life-long friend Alvin Curran, which opens tomorrow 21 December. Instead we are bringing the sad news of her de...
Rome's anti-alcohol measures have been extended until 17 March, after the previous ban expired on 16 December. The order prohibits the take-away sale of alcohol from bars and clubs from 23.00 until close of business,...
From 20 December until 16 January, the Metro A line will stay open until 23.30 every day of the week except Saturdays when it closes at the later hour of 01.30. During this period the MA1 and MA2 substitute shuttle b...
Despite having a population of less than five million, about 100 of which are resident in Rome, Norway has contributed actively to the cultural life of the Italian capital over the years. Considering that it has one o...
The British consulate has recently announced new opening hours. Could you explain the reason for this decision? We reviewed feedback from British citizens and as a consequence we
Six rooms are closed indefinitely at Rome
A new space for hosting temporary exhibitions opened at Palazzo Barberini on 16 December, with a major show dedicated to Guercino, a leading figure in Italian 17th-century painting. The additional 1,000-sqm on the gr...
The Tomb of the Scipios, a burial complex for the political and military Scipio dynasty during the Roman republic, has reopened after renovations began in 2008. To celebrate, on the weekend of 17-18 December there will b...
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