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The Italian civil aviation authority ENAC has fined the low-cost carrier Ryanair
Museums, monuments, galleries and archaeological sites across Italy are to open to the public free of charge on the night of 15 May for the second edition of the annual La Notte dei Musei, or museum night. In Rome ar...
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
The cultural association Bunker Soratte based on Mount Soratte north of Rome is organising guided tours of the former military bunkers under the mountain on 22 and 23 May. The site is not normally open to the public....
Just inside the main door to the building two women were having an anxious discussion over the rubbish bins. One bin was labelled organic and the other non-recyclables. So where were they to leave their paper? A passing...
As energy prices go up, you
On grounds that Greek culture was decadent, Cato the Elder (234-149 BC) tried to stem the advancing tide of Hellenism for, as the sturdy old farmer-soldier-politician wrote to his son,
The Colosseum is open to visitors as usual after three pieces of mortar measuring around half a square metre in total came loose from a ground-level gallery early on 9 May and fell to the ground. The fall was partly cush...
Shops in Trastevere can stay open until 01.00 on Fridays and Saturdays and during special festivities under a move to promote tourism and commerce in the area. The provision concerns in particular neighbourhood shops...
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Temple ASAP
9 May is national bicycle day, when Italians will be encouraged to abandon their cars and take to their bikes as an alternative and environmentally friendly means of transport. The day is an initiative of the environm...
For British ex-pats in Italy watching the results of the 6 May parliamentary elections at home via satellite, the polls close at 23.00 Italian time and the first results are expected soon after midnight. Those without...
The ramp leading off the A24 Roma-L
Musicians and technicians working at opera theatres and other music venues across the country have gone on strike in protest over changes to the financing and management of state-supported opera houses and other music fo...
The summer season on the Rome coast is now underway and the city public transport provider ATAC has stepped up its services for beachgoers. The special summer 07 and 062 buses are running back and forth along the coa...
Rome marks international labour day on 1 May with the traditional live music concert organised by Italy
Ryanair has increased its charges for checked-in baggage for travel during the peak summer months of July and August. The first checked in bag, with a maximum weight allowance of 15 kg, will cost
Over 40,000 people are expected to participate in this year
The following international schools in Rome are holding fairs during May: 8 May. American Overseas School of Rome, Via Cassia 811. 11.00-16.00. For more information tel. 06334381, www.aosr.org. 15 May. St George
Italy now has a certified email system giving legal validity to electronic correspondence between private individuals and the public administration. The new service allows people to bypass long queues at the post offic...
On 10 March 31-year-old Angelo Russo hung himself in his cell at Poggioreale prison in Naples. A schizophrenic, he had been arrested just two weeks previously on suspicion of raping a 19-year-old girl at a psychiatric ho...
Just out of art school, growing up in the New York art world in the late 1940s, you took the Hopper paintings down at the Whitney Museum on 8th Street with a grain of salt. Their white New England spareness, their stony...
This year the 25 April Liberation Day national holiday in Italy falls on a Sunday but shops in Rome and Milan, which would normally be shut, have permission to stay open to make the most of the holiday tourists. Museums...
This year Earth Day on 22 April has the theme of biodiversity with a special focus on the oceans. Rome is marking the event with a free concert in the Circo Massimo starting at 18.00 with a DJ set followed by live perf...
From the end of July or early August visitors to the Colosseum will be able to visit part of the monument
21 April is the 2,763rd anniversary of the legendary founding of Rome by Romulus in 753 BC. The city is marking the occasion with a programme of events over several days, including free guided tours of archaeological si...
Travellers in Italy have a difficult week ahead due to the ash cloud generated by an erupting volcano in Iceland, which has disrupted flights and created transport difficulties across much of Europe. Following a brief...
Rome is clamping down on the use of microcars following the recent death of two young drivers in accidents in Rome. The municipal police has launched a series of patrols and controls across the city, with a special foc...
Athletes, sporting personalities and musicians are in Piazza del Popolo from 16 to 18 April to support Rome
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