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Summer sales in Rome get underway on 4 July opening six weeks of discount shopping which merchants are praying will put a silver lining on an otherwise slow year for retail. According to consumer group Confconsumatori,...
The Italian culture ministry is planning more renovations for Rome's Palazzo Barberini, which houses the National Gallery of Antique Art (entrance on Via delle Quattro Fontane near Piazza Barberini). At a cost of
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The majority of pets in L
Entering or staying in Italy without a valid permit of stay has become a crime offence under controversial new anti-immigration legislation approved definitively by the senate, or upper house of parliament, on 2 July. Un...
A lifeline is being thrown to senior citizens to help them endure the summer heat. The new scheme has been set up by the city hall and the Lazio regional council, with the assistance of the local health authorities, the...
An audit by the state court of accounts estimates that bureaucratic corruption in 2008 cost Italian taxpayers between
The usual ingredients of music, open-air cabaret, shopping and cocktails, not to mention a dash of exotic dining under the stars, bring to life the river banks of the Tiber once again this summer. From sundown until the...
Rome celebrates its patron staints St Peter and St Paul on 29 June with a public holiday in the capital during which most shops and offices will be shut. This year, the feast day falls on a Monday so making for a three-d...
The National Archives in the United Kingdom has launched an appeal for anyone with knowledge or memories of the world war two prisoner of war camp in Kew, Surrey, to come forward and share their story. The appeal is par...
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Prime minister Silvio Berlusconi finds himself at the centre of another scandal concerning his private life following allegations that young women from Bari had been paid to attend parties at his homes in Rome and Sardin...
From 8-10 July, Italy once again hosts the annual summit of the Group of Eight leading industrialized nations or G8. Once again Silvio Berlusconi is prime minister. In 2001 the meeting began in comic vein with Berlusco...
Beach buses are back Sun, sand, sea
The Keats-Shelley House poetry prize for schools 2009 is divided into two sections, English and Italian, and into three age groups. This year the 5-9 age group was given the themes
A popular referendum on 21-22 June to amend the Italian electoral law failed due to weak voter turnout. Just 23 per cent of the Italian electorate turned out to vote, falling well short of the 50 per cent plus one vote r...
Negative trend. Over the past year Abruzzo has been suffering the consequences of the world
From 28 June to 15 July people from the Schengen area countries travelling to Italy will need to produce a valid identity document on entry. Italy is suspending freedom of travel from the 24 other Schengen countries for...
Local administrators and politicians are brushed aside as Guido Bertolaso, head of the civil protection agency with full powers bestowed on him by prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, takes over. Top priority G8 summit....
Decree. It is past midday on 16 June and the first few hundred people are gathered in front of Montecitorio to protest against the decree concerning the reconstruction of Abruzzo, which is soon to be converted into law....
To celebrate World Environment Day on 5 June, the president of the regional council, Piero Marazzo, and the Rome city hall environmental councillor, Fabio De Lillo, announced the reopening of the Tiber river bank and cyc...
On 16 June the various associations of earthquake victims who are living in tents or have been evacuated from L
State railway company Ferrovie dello Stato (FS) has sold the Air Terminal Ostiense for just under
The switchover from analog to digital terrestrial television in Lazio begins between 15-16 June with channels RAI2 (state television) and Rete4 (Berlusconi
As of 14 June, special offers, discounts and timetable changes came into effect on train travel for the coming summer months. The
Just as in the rest of Italy, a little over half of Colleferro
On Saturday 13 June about 150,000 to 200,000 people are expected to take part in Rome
Libyan leader and sitting chairman of the African Union Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi is in Rome until 12 June for his first state visit to Italy. As per his custom, Gaddafi has brought an entourage of over 300 assistants,...
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