Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
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Pressure on Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi continues to mount following new revelations about his alleged carryings-on with young women. The controversy centres on the 72-year-old premier
This year's Champions League final, between Manchester United and Barcelona, will be held at Rome's Olimpico stadium on the evening of 27 May. The British Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) estimates that as many as 30,...
Marymount - International School Rome
The earthquake is far away. By 05.30 the rising sun has already started illuminating Abruzzo
A 77 year-old tradition returns to Rome between 28-31 May 2009, with the SNAI show jumping competition
Salaries in Italy rank among the lowest in the developed world according to a recent report issued by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Italy ranked 23 out of 30 for average net salaries...
State and city museums all over the country will be open on the night of 16 May for the first edition in Italy of
On a broad plain some 55 km south of the capital between the Alban hills to the north and the Monti Lepini to the south; at a crossroads between the A1 motorway, the Via Casilina, the historic Via Cassino railway and the...
The tension in the tent camps increases day by day as physical problems and mental depression prevail. During the week beginning 11 May the head of the civil protection agency Guido Bertolaso met with Catholic priests to...
Rome is the Italian city which spends most on security - over
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The final act of the Champions League, the top football competition in Europe for clubs, will be staged on 27 May at the Stadio Olimpico in Rome. The final head-to-head will be between Manchester United and XXX. The fin...
Buried alive. What is it like to have a son or daughter die, smothered under buildings that were inadequate to protect lives during an earthquake? In L
In the earthquake areas, the honeymoon between Silvio Berlusconi, Abruzzo and the state is fast coming to an end. The prime minister is losing his appeal as his makeup starts fading and his hairdresser-combed hair is ruf...
It was bitterly cold on the night of 5 April in L
G8 Slogan. The slogan of the new symbol for the G8 meeting which takes place in L
Togetherness. A month has passed since 6 April. There has been the joy of seeing friends still alive and the words
Residents in S. Lorenzo breathe a sigh of relief as a new electronic system will be put into place from 6 May, keeping the flow of traffic in the area in check. It will relieve the police officers who are currently stati...
Five cases of influenza A-H1N1, known as swine flu, have been confirmed in Italy since the beginning of May, three of which are in Rome. All five cases regard people who have visited Mexico in the month of April. In ad...
The Vatican Museums are having a special Sunday opening on 10 May from 09.00 to 14.00 (last entrance at 12.30) to benefit families left homeless by the 6 April earthquake in Abruzzo. The museums will be donating all proc...
A fire at the ATAC bus depot in Via delle Mura Portuensi in Trastevere destroyed 30 electric minibuses in the early hours of the morning on 3 May. It is the only depot in Rome which stores the buses running on electrical...
Homes are being declared safe to return to but many people refuse to do so. One minor reason is that the gas supply has not been repaired. Many remember the heavy smell of gas after the earthquake and are scared that a f...
Labour Day on 1 May falls on Friday this year for a three-day weekend. Many shops and public offices will be closed for the holiday, which is also liable to create heavy traffic on the motorways. Labour day will be cele...
The worldwide premiere for the film
For anyone who has experienced previous earthquakes in Italy, (Friuli 1976, Irpinia 1980, Umbria 1997 just to mention the most serious in the last half century), there was something different about the one that struck Ab...
Temple ASAP