On Thursday 9 March only vehicles with licence plates ending in an even number will be permitted to circulate in Romes "fascia verde the green zone. The restriction will be in force from 15.0021.00. 2 March will be the e...
The minister of the interior, Giuseppe Pisan has had a second meeting with the 16-member nationwide Islamic committee set up to assist the integration of Muslims in Italy. At the meeting on 7 March the committee condemne...
The European Dive Show, annual fair for underwater sports, will run from 10-13 March in Genoa and, if the success of last years event is repeated, there will be more than 50,000 visitors. Italy is world leader in the pro...
On the eve of International womens day on 8 March, Eurisko, an independent market and social research institute, has released a survey on how the values and desires of women in Italy have changed over the past ten years....
Over one thousand people have signed up for the new solitary register Res (Romani e solidali) launched on 15 February to create greater community links by matching up free resources with the needs of people living in Rom...
Gas and electricity bills are set to rise again from 1 April following two years of constant increases. The cost of electricity will go up 2.1 per cent compared to the first quarter of 2006 and the price of methane gas w...
Enzo Ciconte, former member of parliament for the Partito Comunista Italiano between 1987 and 1992, renowned mafiaexpert, historian and a consultant to the parliamentary anti-mafia committee, is sitting in his small but...
There exists within the southern boundary of Rome a city within a city, without parallel elsewhere in the peninsula, where they have now begun to kill off a reputation that has clung to Italy for centuries.
It is the s...
There is currently a worldwide scare over avian flu (also known as chicken or bird flu). The newspapers are full of information, warnings and general advice about the situation and the president of the Italian republic,...
This year work is scheduled to start on one of the most ambitious projects in the history of civil engineering: the suspension bridge over the Strait of Messina. For the present Italian government the laying of the first...
The political temperature went up in Italy following the news that Pope Benedict XVI will give an audience to a group of the European Popular Party-European Democrats; the most numerous political group in the European pa...
Radio bulletins have begun at the 49 metro stations across Rome broadcasting up-to-date city news and information. The aim of Gr Multilingue as the service is known, is to help tourists and foreign residents, as well as...
Closed circuit television cameras are to be installed at Romes Verano and Prima Porta cemeteries following a series of thefts of monumental statuary. In the past few day thieves have attempted to steal two stone lions fr...
It may seem that breast-feeding is a natural, instinctive procedure. However, as many new and inexperienced mothers discover, things are not always so simple. In fact, the learning process can prove so difficult for both...
The British Embassy in Rome is reminding British passport holders to make sure that photos supplied with their passport applications meet the new international requirements announced last summer. The embassy will be unab...
A local public transport strike has been confirmed all over Italy to take place on Monday 6 March. The strike has been called by the transport section of all the major Italian trades union movements to protest about the...
The completion of the MAXXI Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI Secolo in Via Guido Reni is under threat after government funding cuts of 10 million. Designed by Anglo-Iranian architect Zaha Hadid, the MAXXI was due to be...
Entry to part of the Capitoline Museums is free on each Sunday until the end of May (except for Easter Sunday). Entry includes a visit to the Palazzo Senatorio to see the rooms where the city council meets and into the r...
Pope Benedict XVI visited the studios of Vatican Radio, the broadcasting station of the Holy See, in Palazzo Pio on 3 March to mark the stations 75th anniversary. The pontiff met representatives of the stations 39 langua...
There are currently 59,523 (2,804 women and 56,719 men) people in Italian prisons but only enough room for 43,000. This is according to a report announced by the Italian department for penitentiary administration during...
The countdown to the ninth winter Paralympic games was set to begin on 1 March at 18.30 with a double flame lighting ceremony at the Colosseum in Rome and the Piazza della Repubblica in Turin. The lighting of the torch i...
A new 5 km railway line and six new stations between Rome and Pantano, to the south-east of the city, were inaugurated on 1 March. Work began on the 135 million section, an extension of line C of the metropolitana, in 19...
Representatives from Athens, Barcelona, Berlin, London and Paris are due to convene in Rome for a public debate about the quality of air and eco-friendly transport in urban centres. Laria delle capitali. Roma incontra lE...
Italys most famous oncologist, Umberto Veronesi, has announced that he will to institute a register for anyone who wishes to make a living will. He and a group of lawyers will act as guarantors for anyone who deposits th...
Cats in Lazio are not a threat to humans in the current avian flu outbreak, regional authorities have stressed. The reassurance was issued after a cat was found to have died of the H5N1 virus on the German island of Rueg...
On Thursday 2 March only vehicles with licence plates ending in an odd number will be permitted to circulate in Romes "fascia verde the green zone. The restriction will be in force from 15.0021.00. 2 March will be the se...
It has come around again, the Sanremo festival of Italian songs started on 27 February and will continue for five evenings until 4 March (the festival rests on Wednesday 1 March so that the Italians may watch a friendly...
The Auditorium Parco della Musica has announced a 4x40 initiative for its concerts from March to May. Spectators pay a total of 40 for four shows from a selected list, including pop-rock, jazz and world music events as w...
Italian politicians have accused France of neo protectionism and have strongly criticised the proposed merger between two French energy companies, Suez and Gaz de France, announced by the French prime minister, Dominique...
The Rome underground railway system is likely to be brought to a halt on Monday 27 February, due to a strike called by SULT the transport workers trades union. Only 100 of the 420 train drivers on the Rome underground ar...
Wall Street English is looking for ESL Teachers for our schools in Rome. We are Wall Street English, the premier provider of English language instruction for individuals and corpor...
John Cabot University, an accredited American university in Rome, seeks an enthusiastic and well-prepared candidate to join a dynamic team in the role of Digital Marketing and Comm...
John Cabot University, a regionally accredited American liberal arts university in Rome, Italy, is currently looking for a full-time Program Coordinator for the N.U.in Italy Progra...
John Cabot University (JCU), a regionally accredited American university in Rome, is seeking a dedicated and dynamic individual to join our Career Services Center as a Career Servi...