Hiring a stranger to provide live-in childcare seldom involves a cheerful song-and-dance Mary Poppins style. Instead, the very idea can provoke a hypothetical nightmare reminiscent of a lurid scene from the film The Hand...
A youth orchestra of 4-17 year olds is being formed by the Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia in Rome, with subsidies from the city and the charitable organisation Isma. More than 100 children auditioned for the orchest...
From 13-21 October Parco della Musica will be transformed into a Parco del Film. The Auditorium, along with Piazza del Popolo, Via Veneto and other high profile locations, will host the first Festa del Cinema in Rome. Le...
A new law is set to blur the distinction between soft and hard drugs in Italy, with steeper fines and prison terms for dealers in particular. The new measures were approved by the Italian senate at the end of Jnuary and...
The long-awaited railway ring around Rome (anello ferroviario) is to be completed by 2010 and is being dubbed as a new metro line for the city. Work on the north section of the ring in the Tor di Quinto area of the cit...
On Thursday 2 February only vehicles with licence plates ending in an odd number will be permitted to circulate in the "fascia verde or green zone. This will be the third Thursday in a series of ten when, to help reduce...
Rome has a higher percentage of people working night shifts than the rest of the country, according to research by national statistics institute Istat. Over 12 per cent of employees or 130,000 people start work after 2...
Italian men are the oldest fathers in Europe, according to research by the Universit Cattolica and national institute of statistics Istat. Men are having their first child at an average age of 33, while in other countrie...
Celebrations are underway in Rome for the 500th anniversary of the Vatican army, known as the Swiss Guard. The anniversary celebrations will continue for six months with an art exhibition in the colonnade of St Peters sq...
Anti-semitic banners were unfurled at Romes Olympic stadium on 29 Sunday January when the Roma football team played at home against Livorno. Less than 48 hours after the day of remembrance for the victims of the holocaus...
Thistledown is almost too heavy as metaphor for the lightness of this little piece, but in its day the charming arias and pantomime-like plot earned it enormous success. Sidney Jones, the composer, had a long career at t...
Manzoni metro station on Linea A will close for 11 months from 30 January for major restructuring work. The station, in the S.Giovanni area of the city, will be fitted with new escalators and an improved air ventilation...
The lay Catholic movement, the Comunit di S. Egidio, which provides care and food for more than 4,000 homeless in Rome among its many missions, has just published a report on the winter living conditions of the elderly w...
The city has published a guide on sexual and maternity matters in five different languages, English, Spanish, Albanian, Romanian and Arabic to help immigrants. The booklet entitled "Guida alla maternit libera e responsab...
The number of organ donations in the region of Lazio was down last year according to the Italian ministry of health. Statistics showed that there were 11 organ donations for every million inhabitants in 2005 against 16 d...
Chinese New Year in 2006 falls on 29 January and marks the start of the Year of the Dog. Celebrations in Rome include a traditional dragon dance in Piazza Vittorio on Saturday 4 February and a private performance of trad...
Household rubbish in Rome will not be collected for 24 hours, starting with the early morning shift on Friday 27 January because of a strike by employees of AMA, the citys environmental agency.
Markets, hospitals, batte...
Rome's environment agency AMA will begin separating urban waste from green bins into dry and wet categories starting in March at a new recycling plant in Rocca Cencia between Via Prenestina and Via Casilina about seven...
The government has approved a special measure, valid until the end of February, to reduce heating in offices, shops, factories and homes from 20 to 19 degrees. The times that heating may be turned on during the day, whic...
Two-wheeled railway police.
Seventy two electric scooters for the police have been introduced at 52 railway stations across Italy, including Stazione Termini in Rome. The idea is to make policing quicker and more versat...
The public prosecutor for the city of Civitavecchia has opened an enquiry into strikes at the Italian flag-ship airline Alitalia on the grounds the disruption of the airlines schedules may be considered an interruption...
A series of events, exhibitions, cinema screenings and debates to remember the millions who died in the holocaust are currently underway for the 2006 Settimana della Memoria, 23-30 January. On the Giorno della Memoria it...
Pope Benedict XVI has issued his first encyclical, entitled Deus Caritas Est, in which he discusses the nature of love and charity. In the letter to the Catholic Church the pope tackles the connection between eros, or ph...
Ten carabinieri barracks have opened throughout the night to give the homeless a roof over their heads during the intense cold in Rome. Carabinieri and territorial military groups have been around the city over the past...
Overshadowed by the citys grander monuments and obscured by dense canopies of plane trees, Romes bridges are frequently overlooked. However, early settlements on the Tiber burgeoned around an obvious bridging-point at th...
When Adam Bourne could not find a shop providing the equipment he needed for his martial arts pastime, he saw only one solution: to set up on his own. Now the Academy Shop Roma in Prati not only sells every item imaginab...
The true origins of Lanuvio may be lost in the fascinating mists of myth and time but it is almost certain that, together with Ariccia, it is the oldest inhabited centre of the fertile volcanically-formed Alban Hills or...
l Photographs by Francesca Woodman (1958-1981) from a private collection in the USA will be on show at the American Academy in Rome, 7 Feb-31 March.
Woodman was a body artist of the 1970s, completing her studies at the...
In the 1960s, when I first began to live in Rome, all the avant-garde galleries were clustered around Piazza del Popolo. It was where the younger artists had their studios, it was where they hung out, at the cafs Rosati,...
Entries are invited for a writing competition aimed at adult immigrants living in Rome. Entitled La mia vita a Roma, it offers immigrants the opportunity to write unedited about their relationship with the city. Applicat...
Wall Street English is looking for ESL Teachers for our schools in Rome. We are Wall Street English, the premier provider of English language instruction for individuals and corpor...
John Cabot University, an accredited American university in Rome, seeks an enthusiastic and well-prepared candidate to join a dynamic team in the role of Digital Marketing and Comm...
John Cabot University, a regionally accredited American liberal arts university in Rome, Italy, is currently looking for a full-time Program Coordinator for the N.U.in Italy Progra...
John Cabot University (JCU), a regionally accredited American university in Rome, is seeking a dedicated and dynamic individual to join our Career Services Center as a Career Servi...