Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
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With intermittent sunshine, a strong turnout along the roadside and over 10,000 participants in the 2005 edition of the Rome Marathon, this years 26 mile endurance test would have lived up to expectations but for the dea...
Sunday 6 March. Giancarlo Fisichella, Formula 1 racing driver who comes from the Tiburtina area of Rome, won the first race of the season, the Australian Grand Prix in Melbourne, driving for Renault. An illegal trade...
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The city council has laid down new regulations for the Caldarroste the roast chestnut sellers in Romes historic centre. Traditionally the chestnut sellers sit in winter beside their low, red-hot braziers, rolling the d...
The Rome city council has announced plans to spend 320 million on its antiquated water mains. In particular, the pipes and infrastructure supplying water to areas on the outskirts will be completely renovated. The city m...
A new report by Italian environmental pressure group Legambiente has highlighted Romes growing problem with noise. Based on research carried out in the district surrounding the citys busy Via Casilina, noise levels were...
Walter Veltroni, mayor of the city of Rome, has paid a visit to the new police immigration office in Via Teofilo Patini on the eastern outskirts of the city. The office, which opened five months ago, is directed by Marce...
The ninth Thursday of restricted traffic in Rome is on 10 March. Vehicles with licence plates ending with an even number will not be allowed to circulate in the "fascia verde" - the green zone - between the 09.00 -12.00...
The Rome city council, the city's public transport company, ATAC and Legambiente, the environmental association, have introduced a new car-sharing scheme aimed at reducing the number of vehicles on the city's roads. The...
This early piece by Verdi, written for La Fenice when the composer was 33, is quite honestly not of the very highest inspiration. It does have one outstanding aria and a number of very melodious ones, as well as pleasin...
Clowning is a passion for me, says Claudio Ceccarelli. During a show, I get an adrenalin rush I cant explain. It doesnt matter how anxious and shy you feel beforehand, as soon as you put on your outfit you become your a...
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Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
FIFA, the Italian Football Federation, must elect a new president by the end of March but so far the representatives of the 42 Italian series A and B football clubs have failed to reach agreement. Half of those voting,...
A new museum dedicated to Rudolf Valentino, one of the worlds first film stars, opened on 6 March in the ex monastery of S. Chiara in his birthplace, Castellaneta. The museum, near Taranto in Puglia, southern Italy, wil...
There are currently 5,821 cabs in the capital but there may soon to be 6,121. The news was broken by the mayor Walter Veltroni, who announced a decision that has been taken by the city council. The number of taxis in the...
Coldiretti, the association representing more than 50 per cent of Italian farmers, has released figures showing changes in Italian dietary habits. The consumption of bread has dropped from 1.4 million tons in 2000 to 1 m...
The team with the task of guaranteeing the privacy of Italians has published a code of rules to cover the regional elections due to take place on 3 and 4 April. Candidates and political parties may send campaign literat...
Clowning is a passion for me, says Claudio Ceccarelli. During a show, I get an adrenalin rush I cant explain. It doesnt matter how anxious and shy you feel beforehand, as soon as you put on your outfit you become your a...
l Violinist Wolfgang David will perform a concert entitled Le tracce austriache di Bach at the Forum Austriaco di Cultura a Roma on 9 March at 20.00. A former child prodigy who was admitted to the Musikhochschule in Vien...
In a humble room at a cheap boarding house in a part of Rome which is now one of the most exclusive shopping centres in the world, a desperately ill, poor boy from London breathed his last hours. Around the traces of his...
It was New Years Eve and the mood was sombre in Helgas Folly, a crazy hotel plastered with dream-sequence murals overlooking Kandy in Sri Lankas central hill country. A hefty Dutch social worker recalled it being breakfa...
An estimated 10,000 people will set off from the Colosseum in Via dei Fori Imperiali on Sunday 13 March embarking on the 11th city of Rome marathon. The 42 km journey will take them through the main historic sites, as w...
A collision between a passenger train and a freight locomotive at Bolognina di Crevalcore near Bologna in mid-January killed 17 people. The accident was Italys worst rail disaster in 25 years and triggered an outcry. O...
Free vaccination against meningitis is being offered to all children up to five years old in Tuscany. There have been 15 cases of the illness reported in the region since the beginning of the year.
A fashion show in aid of Amnesty International is being held on 8 March. A collection of 30 caftans will be on show at 12.30 in Rome's Piazza del Campidoglio. The caftans, made by immigrant women living in Rome, wi...
Sunday 27 February. More than 7,000 athletes run the 21 km Roma-Ostia Marathon. Of the 7,400 people taking part in the race, 5,634 complete the course. Following the deaths of nine young people in road accidents when t...
Take a good look at your Rome bus ticket as it may give you a discount. The companies that run the Rome city public transport system are offering promotions to encourage the public to leave their cars at home. The most r...
The body of Nicola Calipari, the Italian police office who was shot dead by United States security forces in Baghdad on Friday 4 March, will lie in state at Italys Vittorio Emanuele monument in the centre of Rome until h...
International Womens Day on 8 March is dedicated by the United Nations to equal rights for women. In Italy, it is known as "Festa della Donna", with men traditionally giving mimosa flowers to women.
Georges Prtre is such an old hand at Carmen, having conducted his first performance of it some 60 years ago and made the famous recording with Maria Callas 41 years ago, that we can but be amazed at the energy and freshn...
On Sunday 6 March all private traffic, including motorcycles, will be banned from the "green zone" in Rome from 10.00 until 18.00. (see page 114 of the Tutto Citt city guide distributed with the telephone directories for...
The Lazio regional government and Co.tral, the company that runs the regional bus service, have bought a hydrogen-powered bus. Large enough to carry 94 passengers (37 seated), the bus, which cost 250,000, can travel up t...
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