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Marymount - International School Rome
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A survey conducted in Rome in July by the Osservatore sulla mobilit found that of the 286,813 vehicles coming daily into the centre of the city, an area which is restricted to permit holding vehicles, 51 per cent were mo...
The 61st edition of the Venice film festival organised by the Biennale di Venezia, will be held at the Lido from 1- 11 September 2004, directed for the first time by Marco Mller.?The festival comprises about 70 films and...
Marymount - International School Rome
More than half of the 2.5 million foreigners living in Italy have been residents for more than five years. But when it comes to giving citizenship to immigrants Italy has one of the worst records in Europe. Italy is natu...
Restoration is due to start in September on the building designed by the celebrated 20th century Italian architect Adalberto Libera in Via Capo Corso on the Lungomare Caio Duilio in Ostia. The building, which is in ruin...
The Rome city council has plans to remove all private cars from the central area between the Piazza del Popolo, Via del Babuino and Via di Ripetta and to make Via del Corso a pedestrian precinct. The city's agency respon...
The water that comes out of the taps in Rome is among the best in Italy, according to a recent survey by Altro Consumo a magazine published by an Italian consumer association. Springs in the provinces of Rieti and Rome s...
The mayor of Rome, Walter Veltroni, has confirmed that the Palazzo delle Esposizioni on Via Nazionale will re-open to the public by the end of the year. The Campidoglio has tied up 19 million in the restoration campaign...
Work will begin in September on the restoration and consolidation of the building that houses the Capitoline Archives in Rome's Piazza della Chiesa Nuova on Corso Vittorio. The project also includes the reorganisation a...
People found guilty of misusing office facilities may soon be liable to fines and administrative sanctions according to new draft proposals put forward by the Italian ministry of innovation and technology in conjunction...
A form of mange is attacking the stambecchi or ibex, a protected species of rock goat that lives in the Alps. The outbreak is centred in the area of the Marmolada and Valle del Franzedas in the Dolomite mountains near Be...
Acorn P H3 - 1920 x 190
Acorn P H3 - 1920 x 190
Acorn P H3 - 1920 x 190
Taco 320 x 480
AMA, the Rome city refuse collection service, has revealed that fewer Romans have left the city to go on holiday this year than last year. On the last Wednesday in July AMA collected 4,287 tons of rubbish in the city, 44...
In a bid to improve order in Rome's historic centre, the local district council is considering ordering restaurants, bars and discotheques to close one hour earlier except on Fridays and Saturdays. If adopted it will m...
Compulsory military service in Italy is being abolished; the last young men being called up to join the services are those born in 1985. The last call-up date will be 31 December 2004 and those who can produce evidence o...
The remains of two imperial Roman ports are to be made into an archaeological park, with work starting in 2005. The ports are both to the north of Ostia, close to Rome and to Leonardo da Vinci international airport at Fi...
Four very large rock falls in the Italian Dolomite mountain range in the past few weeks, including one of the smaller columns of the "Cinque Torre" above Cortina D'Ampezzo and the top of the "Piccolo Cir" above the Passo...
Dissatisfied patients in Italy are taking legal action against their doctors more often than before. A report published by Cittadinanzattiva, an action group protecting citizens' and consumers' rights, shows that in 200...
The famous villa, gardens and fountains built for Cardinal d'Este in the 16th century have been restored to their former splendour and the night-time opening is back again after 20 years. ACEA, Rome's electricity utility...
The death of a woman in Milan who fell down a lift shaft at the end of July has once again highlighted the precarious state of Italy's lifts. The death was the third of its kind in 16 months despite regulations introduc...
There has been an increase of 4.84 per cent in the arrivals of tourists to Rome this year, with American visitors up by 10 per cent and Japanese up by 5.88 per cent compared with the same period in 2003. The figures, p...
In a new drive to discourage graffiti the senates justice commission has suggested more severe penalties for people caught defacing public and private property. Depending on the offence culprits could risk a fine of up...
The Ethiopian ambassador to Italy, Mengistu Hulluka, has declared that his country is willing to lengthen the runway at Axum airport to allow the return of the Axum obelisk from Rome. The obelisk was looted from Ethiop...
Rome will play host to the long-awaited concert of Simon and Garfunkel on Saturday 31 July, their first-ever appearance together in Italy. Everything is ready for the free concert in the Fori Imperiali which is a part of...
Late-night shopping in certain streets in the centre of Rome will become a reality on Friday 30 July until the 31 August. Shops in 26 streets, winding through the centre of Rome from the Via Veneto, down to the Pantheon...
Ibimet, the Italian national research council's institute of biometeorology, has revealed that the Italian climate is changing fast. In the last 15 years the temperature of the Tyrrhenian sea has risen by two degrees cen...
Stricter controls have come into force around Rome to combat the misuse of parking permits for the disabled. The problem has arisen because relatives and friends continue to use these permits even after the death of the...
Unesco has named two new world heritage sites in Italy. The first is the Val d'Orcia in Tuscany, an agricultural area between Montalcino and Montepulciano made famous by the writer Iris Origo in her book " War in the Val...
A joint promotion called "Return home safely" has been launched by the Italian road police, 20 discotheque owners and an association of insurance companies in Lazio, Tuscany and Emilia Romagna. The aim of the promotion i...
Summer train promotion Trenitalia has just announced its summer promotion which allows travel in a first class compartments for the price of a second class ticket. The offer runs on Tues and Wed until 8 Sept and is val...
Illegal parking attendants continue to be a serious problem on the seafront at Ostia. These self-appointed foreign and Italian parking attendants demand money to park and look after your car as you head to the beach for...
Hungry bears. Fruit- and vegetable-eating bears from the Marsica woods in the Abruzzi region of Italy are being threatened with extinction. The Marsica forest lies within the boundary of the Abruzzo National Park, in th...
Marymount - International School Rome