As the academic year draws to a close, fine arts scholars at the British School at Rome are exhibiting their work in Fine Arts 2004, 12-19 June. The exhibition opens on 11 June at 18.30, with a performance by Juho Laitin...
This weekends elections for the European parliament will be fought over many issues, but none of them are directly relevant to the mandates Europeans will be granting their 786 new members of parliament (MEPs).
For man...
Most of the prize winners from the Cannes film festival will be showing in Rome until 10 June, the only exception being Golden Palm winner Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore, which wont be in distribution until the end of...
The holiday season is about to begin and the confederation of retailers and small businesses has completed a survey which shows that 34 million Italians are expected to go away between June and September of this year. Of...
From 1 July young people, from 14 18 years old, must have a licence (or patentino) to drive a motorino or a micro car, even the lowest powered ones. 702,500 out of 1,500,000 students have applied to take the necessary c...
Romes eleventh edition of the festival Jazz and Image opens at the Villa Celimontana park near the Colosseum on Friday 4 June. The annual event, organized by the Villa Celimontana cultural association will offer outdoor...
European parliamentary elections will be held from 10 to 13 June across the European Union, but only on 12 and 13 June in Italy. Also on those days in Italy there will be regional elections in Sardinia and local election...
New legislation regulating the protection and use of Italys cultural heritage became law last month. The complex Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio, which has 184 articles, integrates and extends previous legislat...
The traditional concert on 1 May in Piazza S. Giovanni in Rome is back again this year. Seven hours of free live music from Italian and international artists attract hundreds of thousands of spectators every year. The li...
The annual Susan G. Koman Breast Cancer Foundation Rome 5-km mini marathon and a 2-km walk will be held Sun 16 May starting at the Terme di Caracalla Stadium at 10.00. The event will raise funds and promote awareness for...
Via Tiburtina, between Rome and Tivoli, is the most dangerous of the citys roads, according to a study by Romes traffic authority, Sta, of traffic accidents in the capital last year, with just over 250 accidents that res...
Michelangelo's famous statue of David in the Galleria dell'Accademia in Florence is on show again after two years of restoration. The statue was subjected to ten years of research by more than 33 scientific institutes ar...
The Torre Argentina cat sanctuary in Rome will hold its 7th annual fund raising gala on Friday 28 May at 19.00 at Villa S. Urbano, Via Appia Pignatelli 65. As in previous years a silent auction and grand raffle will be h...
The Open University is holding an open day in Rome on Sat 29 May, 12.00-14.30. The university is an acknowledged expert in helping people study in their own time. Teaching is in English, and no previous qualifications ar...
Rome's annual international horse show begins on 27 May at the Piazza di Siena in the Villa Borghese park. Competitors from 12 nations will take part in the competitions and six teams who are due to go to the Olympic Gam...
Courtyards of 15 private palaces in Rome which are usually closed to the public will be open on Sun 30 May, 10.00-18.00. The annual Cortili aperti event is organised by the Italian association of historic homes (the Asso...
The public holiday on 2 June to celebrate the foundation of the Italian republic may be the beginning of a difficult few days for citizens and security forces in Rome. Pacifist demonstrators are threatening to disrupt a...
Insiders at Cinecitt, the citadel of Italian film-making nine kilometres south of Rome, say they see what is going on there now as an astonishing Renaissance within walls that only recently were showing signs of cracking...
Following a lengthy absence, womens professional golf returns to Rome. Even golfing enthusiasts will find it hard to remember that it was way back in 1991 that Britains Laura Davies won the third edition of the Rome Clas...
A year ago Gennaro Farina, the architect responsible for overseeing the construction of the museum complex for the Ara Pacis, told Wanted in Rome that the pavilion would be ready by April 2004. The completion date for t...
Media law for a new future?
According to the government the new media law lays the foundations for the future of Italys media. According to the opposition, it is tailor-made for prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, and is...
Joan Marble Cook died in Rome on 30 April at the age of 84 after a short illness. In international gardening circles she will be remembered most for her two best sellers "Notes on an Italian Garden" and "Notes from a Rom...
Next week Rome celebrates the 60th anniversary of the citys liberation from German occupation. The 4 June celebration should have been for everyone, but instead the past has become entangled with two very contemporary el...
A festival of international films and documentaries about art, painters, sculptors and architects, centres around Palazzo Venezia until Wed 2 June. 140 contemporary films and documentaries from 19 countries are competing...
A concert to celebrate Ascension Day, the third of a series of seven concerts of sacred music, will take place at 21.00 on Sunday 23 May in the Chiesa del Ges. The Rome Opera House orchestra and choir will perform Schube...
The Italian national heritage ministry holds its annual culture week from 24 - 30 May. During the week entry to all state museums and archaeological sites throughout the country is free. Guided tours, exhibitions and con...
The citys rose gardens on the Aventine hill, behind the Circo Massimo, are open until the end of July, 08.00-19.00 daily. The 10,000-sqm park was once a Jewish cemetery, a fact that is marked by the paths laid out in a...
For the third year in a row the beach at Otranto in Italy's southern region of Puglia has been named the country's best beach. It has received a rating of five "sails" from Italy's environmental organisation, Legambinete...
Assoindustria, the association for small and medium-sized companies, has awarded a prize for efficiency to Rome's mayor, Walter Veltroni, and to the city authorities. Three achievements have motivated the award: the buil...
Rome city authorities have arrived at an agreement with the residents and shop and restaurant owners in the area of S. Lorenzo to close the zone to all but local traffic four nights a week after a successful experimenta...
Wall Street English is looking for ESL Teachers for our schools in Rome. We are Wall Street English, the premier provider of English language instruction for individuals and corpor...
John Cabot University, an accredited American university in Rome, seeks an enthusiastic and well-prepared candidate to join a dynamic team in the role of Digital Marketing and Comm...
John Cabot University, a regionally accredited American liberal arts university in Rome, Italy, is currently looking for a full-time Program Coordinator for the Italy Progra...
John Cabot University (JCU), a regionally accredited American university in Rome, is seeking a dedicated and dynamic individual to join our Career Services Center as a Career Servi...