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Autumn has arrived with moderate falls of rain that have refilled wells and tanks and revived heat-exhausted gardens and forests. Recent fears of drought and water shortages are dissipating, and next summer seems a long...
Pompei, the latest book by Robert Harris about the last hours before Vesuvius struck, was on the shelves of the S. Susanna lending library within two or three weeks of its publication this year. Its a very popular new...
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They loved high drama and preferred lots of tears to their tales. And when there werent enough to suit their tastes, they rewrote the scripts to keep the handkerchiefs dabbing, explained Loredana Cipriani Ciabatti of her...
The Palladium in Rome's popular Garbatella district went from being an elegant local theatre in the 1920s to a concert venue-cum-nightclub with darkened interiors and sound levels in the 1980s and 90s that were the bane...
Rome's city council has just launched a campaign to ensure that its employees communicate more clearly and concisely with residents; especially when it comes to forms and paperwork. A manual and cd-rom have been created...
The European Union's intergovernmental conference to be held in Rome on 4 Oct is causing concern for its high-risk potential of civil unrest. Heads of state and prime ministers representing 28 countries will be in the ci...
In response to complaints by visitors, a range of new services has been inaugurated at Renzo Piano's music auditorium in Rome. Two ultra-speedy lifts that can carry 11 people each now connect the main foyer to the concer...
The Vatican website (www.vatican.va) now includes a new on-site guide to its museums. On-line since the summer, the new section offers useful information such as entrance times and ticket prices but also a virtual tour o...
Pope John Paul II has created 31 new cardinals, 26 of whom are under 80 and therefore eligible to join the papal electoral college. Eighteen of the new cardinals are from Europe, five are from North America, there are th...
The cost of public transport in Rome is set to rise from 1 Nov, when the first price increases in a decade come into effect. The cost of the most popular ticket, the BIT (biglietto integrato a tempo), which entitles you...
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Entry to state-owned museums, galleries, monuments and archaeological areas across Italy will be free 27-28 September during the annual European Heritage Days (Giornate Europee del Patrimonio), a joint initiative of the...
British writer, film-maker and left-wing political commentator Tariq Ali will be discussing his latest book "The Clash of Fundamentalisms: Crusades, Jihads and Modernity" with journalist Marco D'Eramo at the British Coun...
Following a spate of attacks on people by pit-bulls across the country this summer, the government has categorised 100 breeds of dog as "dangerous" and introduced new rules and penalties for their owners. Children and cr...
Emilia Romagna has the highest number of organ donors in Italy at 34.3 per million inhabitants, according to the national transplant centre, while Sicily has the lowest with just 6.4. Lazio lies in 14th place in the nati...
If you've ever fancied having a swim at a sports centre at midnight, eating prosciutto in the grounds of Castel S. Angelo at 02.00, visiting the Borghese Museum at 04.00 and listening to jazz on the Pincio at dawn, 27 Se...
A select and privileged audience sat entranced as the magical notes of a venerable Amati violin, dated 1566 and therefore one of the first violins ever created, soared through a room in Palazzo Rospigliosi in Rome. In th...
I want big things to do and vast spaces and for common people to see them and say oh! only oh!. For the renowned 19th-century British pre-Raphaelite artist Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones that large space, here in Rome, di...
There comes a time in every Germans life when he has to choose between a BMW and a Mercedes. For me it was the same with Athens and Rome, says Joachim Blher, who took over as director of the German Academy at Villa Massi...
The political season had hardly started before the knives were out and the fighting began. It started with a bang when the leader of the Democratici di Sinistra (DS), Piero Fassino, accused the prime ministers office of...
Some are now indignantly calling it linguistic imperialism. Circle with a pen in an Italian newspaper the films with English titles being screened in Rome. The page will burst into a violent rash. In one week this month,...
The fierce summer heatwave has taken its toll in Italy, with 4,175 more deaths among the over-65s this year during the month 16 July - 15 August than there were during the same period in 2002, a rise of 14 per cent. The...
A four-hour public transport strike to be held from 10.00 on Fri 12 Sept will affect buses, trams and metros in Rome and coaches that connect the city with surrounding areas. Vehicles that have already begun their journe...
A memorial stone inscribed with the names of some 600 victims of the Mafia since the end of the second world war will be placed at the entrance of Villa Osio in Viale di Porta Ardeatina, Romes mayor Walter Veltroni has a...
Proof might be at hand that the ancient Roman emperor Caligula was every bit as megalomaniacal as anecdotes about his reign suggest. Archaeologists have uncovered the remains of a vast palace which they believe was buil...
Rome's city council has launched another campaign to free the city's streets and parks of dog excrement and litter. The recently created office for urban decorum is working with the city's environmental agency, AMA, to s...
If you're in desperate need of a cultural fix after a long summer at the beach, try visiting one of Rome's many foreign academies, which offer a wide range of concerts, conferences and exhibitions that attract artists an...
A plan to build floating homes for artists and students along the banks of the river Tiber has been given an 85 per cent approval rating in an online referendum launched by the city council. The project envisages a serie...
The number of road deaths in Italy this summer is down by 35 per cent compared to the same period last year, according to figures published by the interior ministry. Between 30 June and 28 August there were 698 fatal acc...
The Go.Card scheme, which enables 18 to 30-year-olds to claim discounts at certain cinemas, theatres, museums and shops in Rome, has been extended to young people who live outside the city and now costs 6. Launched on an...
Top-flight football has returned to Italy on schedule, but yet again the start of the season was marred by controversy, with Serie B matches delayed following a row over the expansion of the division and television right...
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