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Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia

Pasqua and Pasquetta: Italy's Easter holidays

April begins with public holiday for Pasquetta.

Italy celebrates Easter Sunday and Easter Monday - Pasqua and Pasquetta - with national public holidays on Sunday 31 March and Monday 1 April.

All public offices and schools will be closed on 1 April for Pasquetta, a day traditionally marked in Italy with a picnic or a day trip out of town.

Most museums and archaeological sites in Italy will stay open for Easter Sunday and Easter Monday however the Vatican Museums will be closed on both days.

More than 10 million Italians are set to travel over the Easter holidays this year, according to a Tecnè survey carried out for hotel association Federalberghi, with 92 per cent of respondents planning to vacation in Italy.

A 'dove-shaped' cake called the Colomba di Pasqua is a popular treat in Italy over the Easter holidays while Easter Sunday brunch usually involves hard-boiled eggs (often brightly painted), salami and cheese, accompanied by the classic pizza al formaggio.

Easter in Italy is a time to celebrate with friends, as highlighted by the expression: "Natale con i tuoi, Pasqua con chi vuoi", meaning Christmas with your family, Easter with whoever you want.

This Easter the weather in Rome promises to be sunny and warm, according to forecast site ilMeteo.it, unlike last year when Italy experienced an Easter colder than Christmas.

Cover image: The Pasquali ceremony takes place every year in Bormio, in Upper Valtellina, on Easter Sunday. Photo credit: Alfio Finocchiaro / Shutterstock.com.

Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
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