Permesso for Veltroni.
Walter Veltroni, mayor of the city of Rome, has paid a visit to the new police immigration office in Via Teofilo Patini on the eastern outskirts of the city. The office, which opened five months ago, is directed by Marcello Cardona, who told the mayor that since the offices opened 96,679 residence permits have been issued to foreigners and 1,237 requests received for asylum, 750 of which had been granted. The backlog of those foreigners waiting for a residence permit has been reduced from 40,000 to 7,000 and the average time now required for a new permit is a month.
Cardona announced that he had asked that the conference room in the new offices be named after Nicola Calipari, the deputy head of the secret police, who was shot and killed in Baghdad during the release of kidnapped Italian journalist Giuliana Sgrena. Calipari had directed the police immigration office in Rome in 2001 (and had then been responsible for introducing special measures to help women brought illegally into Italy who were being forced into prostitution).
At the end of the visit, mayor Veltroni was presented with his own framed Permesso di Soggiorno a fake one.
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