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The 13-14 April elections for mayor and president of the province of Rome will go down to run-offs between Francesco Rutelli of the centre-left Partito Democratico (PD) and Gianni Alemanno of the centre-right Popolo dell...
The alliance led by Silvio Berlusconi has won the parliamentary elections of 13-14 April with a clear majority in both houses of parliament. This is partly thanks to the consolidation of Umberto Bossi
Marymount - International School Rome
The centre-right alliance led by Silvio Berlusconi
49 million Italians will be called back to the polls on 13
With less than a week to go before the general election Silvio Berlusconi, leader of the centre-right coalition Popolo della Libert
The tiny Democrazia Cristiana (DC) party has averted an embarrassing postponement of next week
Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, the grandson of Umberto II, the last king of Italy, has announced that he will run for a position in parliament in the upcoming elections. He will run as a candidate for the chamber of deput...
According to declared income for 2006 for parliamentarians made public in March, Silvio Berlusconi, the leader of Forza Italia and of the current conservative coalition Popolo della Libert
In Rome 2,200,000 Italians will vote in five different elections on 13-14 April; for the senate, the chamber of deputies, the province, the city and the minicipii. The last time Rome
In Rome 2,200,000 Italians will vote in five different elections on 13-14 April; for the senate, the chamber of deputies, the province, the city and the minicipii. The last time Rome
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Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
Temple ASAP
As Walter Veltroni promised, there are many women candidates (about 40 per cent) on the electoral lists of the Partito Democratico (PD) for the national elections to be held in 12-13 April. Veltroni, head of the PD, has...
A Kung Fu teacher has entered the race for the Rome mayor post on the ticket of Genoese anti-establishment comic Beppe Grillo. Grillo supporters will take to Rome squares this weekend in order to collect the 2,000 signa...
Rome's La Sapienza University is organising a series of events for the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the student protest at the faculty of architecture in Valle Giulia from February 29 to 19 March. The student de...
The Democrats Abroad global primary has awarded Barack Obama with his eleventh straight win in the race to become the Democratic party
Francesco Rutelli, the outgoing deputy prime minister and culture minister, has announced he will be standing for the mayor of Rome job in the 13-14 April elections. Rutelli will run as the candidate for the Partito Dem...
Pro-abortion demonstrations were held in Rome, Bologna, Florence and Naples on 14 February after a woman who had undergone an abortion in a Naples hospital was questioned by police earlier in the week. Around 4,000 women...
Rome mayor Walter Veltroni has handed in his resignation on 13 February as he prepares for his role in the April general elections as leader of the Partito Democratico, the largest party on the centre left. Veltroni ha...
Italian general elections have been set for 13-14 April after president of the republic Giorgio Napolitano dissolved parliament on 6 February. The move came after speaker of the Italian senate failed in his mandate to fi...
Marymount - International School Rome