Possible venue for Shoah museum.
Rome's mayor, Walter Veltroni, has announced that the city's Shoah museum will be located close to Villa Torlonia on Via Nomentana in the north-east of Rome, once the official residence of Benito Mussolini. This site, which is close to the Liberty-style Casina delle Civette and to some Jewish catacombs, has been chosen rather than one in Capo d'Africa near the Colosseum as had originally been expected. Veltroni has also announced that an international competition will be held for the design of the building and that film director Steven Spielberg has been asked to help with the installation of material from the Shoah Foundation once the project is completed. The museum will commemorate the plight of Roman Jews deported and killed by the Nazis between 1943 and 1944.
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