6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
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Radio Maria creates identity card for Jesus

Religious radio station publishes carta d'identità for Jesus.

Radio Maria, the Italian-based Catholic broadcaster, has caused controversy among its faithful followers after it posted a picture on social media of an identity card created specially for Jesus.

The details, translated into English, of the carta d'identità are as follows:

Name: Jesus. Surname: Nazarene.
Born on: 25 December. In: Bethlehem (Palestine).
Citizenship: Heaven, Earth and Every Place.
Residence: Kingdom of Heaven.
Via: del Paradiso.
Marital status: Son of Mary.
Profession: Brother of the World.
Stature: Tall.
Hair: Divine.
Eyes: Full of light.
Distinguishing features: He is salvation for all, He is bread for our hunger, He is wine for our party."

There was no idendication given for the reason of Radio Maria's unorthodox post, which divided the public between those who thought it offensive and those who found it amusing.

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Marymount - International School Rome