Recycling in Rome
Romans are learning to recycle their rubbish. 14 percent of all waste in Rome is now recycled, up from 5.6 percent in 2001. So far this year 60,000 tonnes less waste have been sent to landfills and incinerators than last year, says city councillor for the environment, Dario Esposito. This autumn Rome's refuse collection utility, AMA, is launching initiatives to encourage even more recycling. There are now about 20,000 containers for paper and glass, plastic and aluminum in the city and the number is set to almost double by 2005. AMA also plans to introduce door-to-door collection of paper and other recyclable materials in Rome's central Tridente area. Lastly, a programme to collect of bio-degradable waste from bars, restaurants, and greengrocers for conversion into fertiliser, which is already underway in the historic centre, will be extended to the suburbs.
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