Remembering Anzio landings.
On Saturday 22 January the Italian towns of Anzio, Nettuno, Ardea, Cisterna di Latina, Latina and Pomezia will welcome representatives of nations that fought in world war two to remember the 61st anniversary of the allied landings at Anzio in 1944.
There will be a series of events starting at 8.30 at the Commonwealth Beachhead cemetery at Falasche, Anzio where there will be a ceremony to bury a British soldier, whose remains were found on a farm near Aprilia in September of 2004 (The remains of three world war two soldiers were found in the area last year). At 10.00 a wreath will be laid at the Commonwealth war cemetery of S. Teresa and at 11.00 at the United States cemetery at Nettuno. The celebrations will continue at 12.00 at the war memorial in Anzio and then a procession will go from there to the quay where the sinking of the naval vessel Spartan on 29 January 1944 will be commemorated.
Representatives are expected from North America, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Ireland, France, Austria, Canada, Germany, Cyprus, Russia, Australia, South Africa and India.
There will be free public transport for those taking part and local restaurants are providing a fixed price lunch called A Landings Menu over the weekend with local dishes for 30.
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