6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
Smiling H1 - 700x180

Remembering Anzio.

The bones of two British soldiers killed in action during world war two have recently been found by a farmer near Aprilia. The two soldiers will be given a solemn funeral on 9 September at 10.00 at the Beachhead (Falasche) Commonwealth Cemetary at Anzio.

The burial service coincides with a visit to Anzio by a party of veterans from the United Kingdom as well as a detachment from the 1st battalion, the Duke of Wellington's Regiment. Following the burial a plaque will be unveiled to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the landing of the regiment on the Anzio beachhead

The colonel of the Duke of Wellingtons's Regiment will be present at the unveiling along with the British ambassador to Italy, the United.States ambassador to the Holy See and the mayors of Anzio, Aprilia and Nettuno.

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