6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
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Restoring Augustus's tomb.

Archaeological excavations are underway at Piazza Augusto Imperatore in the first step of a project to revamp the area that houses the mausoleum of Augustus, built in 28 BC. The initiative will eventually involve restoring the ancient tomb as well as uniting it with the public space between the church of S. Carlo al Corso and overhauling the area between the new Ara Pacis building and the churches of S. Rocco and S. Girolamo degli Illirici.

Archaeologists may uncover some of the marble paving that once surrounded the mausoleum for an area of 120 sqm and which was witnessed by Baldassarre Petruzzi during works on Ospedale di S. Rocco in 1519.

In charge of the project is Francesco Cellini, head of the architecture faculty of Rome Tre, whose group won a competition for tenders in 2006. The city council estimates the cost of the works at

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