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Ukraine: Rome to hold candlelight procession for peace

March for peace in Ukraine to go from Rome city hall to Colosseum.

Rome will stage a candlelight procession for peace, in solidarity with the Ukrainian people, on Friday evening.

The symbolic march for peace will begin at 18.00 at the Campidoglio, seat of the city hall, and will make its way to the Colosseum.

The event has been organised by Rome's centre-left mayor Roberto Gualtieri who tweeted: "Rome city of peace mobilises against the unjustifiable Russian invasion of Ukraine."

"We strongly condemn the attack on Ukraine", said Gualtieri, adding: "Let us make our presence felt in support of the Ukrainian people against an absurd and dangerous war for the future of Europe. Let's do it with the colours of peace.”

On Thursday night the Colosseum was illuminated in the blue and yellow colours of Ukraine's flag, along with landmarks in other cities around Italy.

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Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia