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Rome launches major new literary festival

Rome merges three literary events to create Insieme Festival.

Rome's three main annual literary events - Letterature - Festival internazionale di Roma, Libri Come, and Più libri più liberi - join forces to form Insieme, a new festival of literature.

Scheduled from 1-4 October, the festival will feature important guests from the world of literature including Salman Rushie, Wole Soyinka and Antono Scurati, among many more.

Organisers say that Insieme (Italian for "together") will unite books, writers, scientists, philosophers, artists, musicians and readers, in a major event.

The free festival is modelled on a "new format" that will see 168 stands for book publishers, dozens of meetings with authors, site specific installations, readings and artistic and musical performances.

Insieme will be held at the Auditorium Parco della Musica and in various outdoor sites at the Parco Colosseo, including the Basilica of Maxentius, the Stadium of Domitian on the Palatine Hill, and the Temple of Venere and Roma in the Roman Forum.

For full programme details see the Insieme website.

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Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
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