RCI 1920 x 116
RCI 1920 x 116
RCI 1920 x 116
AuR 24 700 x 180

Rome mural of Salvini and Di Maio kissing

Another mural in central Rome depicts Meloni holding a refugee child.

Two controversial murals have appeared overnight in central Rome: one depicts a kiss between political rivals Matteo Salvini, leader of the Lega party, and Luigi Di Maio, leader of the Movimento 5 Stelle. Against the backdrop of a red love heart, both leaders are further identified by their party logos, with Salvini wearing an anti-European badge for good measure. The image, on Via del Collegio Capranica, is signed by Tvboy, the internationally-renowned Milanese street artist who lives in Barcelona.

Tvboy's mural of Di Maio and Salvini

Tvboy is also behind a second unauthorised mural, on nearby Via dei Pianellari, which features a smiling Giorgia Meloni, the leader of the far-right Fratelli d'Italia party, holding a refugee child in her arms and carrying a "Save the Children" bag with a "Refugees Welcome" sticker.

Tvboy's mural of Giorgia Meloni

A third mural which appeared overnight - also the work of Tvboy but far from controversial - is dedicated to AS Roma football legend Francesco Totti. Located on Vicolo Savelli near Piazza Navona, the image features a saintly Totti, dressed in a Franciscan habit, complete with halo, three doves in his hands and a football at his feet.

Tvboy's mural of Francesco Totti

Tvboy made international headlines last May with his mural of an angelic Pope Francis kissing a devilish President Trump. The image, which appeared on Via del Banco di S. Spirito ahead of Trump's Vatican visit, was swiftly removed by authorities.

Aur 724x450
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
FiR 320 x 480 H3
Marymount - International School Rome