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Rome offers alternative to city’s youth

The city of Rome presents "Riprendiamoci la notte" (Take back the night), a series of cultural events every weekend from 14 September to 26 October. Aimed at the city's youth, the events include music, dance, theatre, sport and fashion, and will take place in "young" areas of the capital such as Piazza Trilussa, Piazza S. Maria in Trastevere, Campo de' Fiori, Ponte Milvio, S. Lorenzo, Testaccio and Pigneto.

The events are scheduled for every Friday and Saturday night until 26 October, from 20.00 until midnight, and are designed to offer alternative ways for young people to enjoy themselves. Among the events lined up are flash mobs, silent cinemas (with headphones), live music and talent shows, and even games of yesteryear like skittles and marbles competitions.

The initiative was presented by Rome's councillor for family, education and youth, Gianluigi De Paolo, who was assisted in drawing up the plans by a team of young people. De Paolo said that in addition to fun events like sport and cinema, young people could be introduced to literature, learn to respect the law and become aware of the risks of driving while under the influence of drink and drugs.

The non-profit association Riprendiamoci la notte was founded in late 2011 to "restore dignity" to Rome's streets, some of which have become tainted by public disorder at night in recent years.

General Info

Marymount - International School Rome
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