Rainstorm, hailstones lead to floods and transport problems in Rome.
A violent rainstorm caused havoc on the streets of Rome on Tuesday afternoon, leading to widespread flooding, particularly in the northern parts of the capital.
One of the worst-hit areas was Ponte Milvio where a local playschool was flooded, with firefighters intervening to rescue 40 children and six adults trapped inside.

There were also images and footage of cars submerged to their headlights and reports of business owners attempting to unblock drains on flooded streets.
There were severe floods reported in districts including Corso Francia, Prati, Monte Mario and Nomentano, with delays affecting some bus lines and metro stations in the centre as well as in northern areas of the city.
Un violento nubifragio si è abbattuto su #Roma: i vigili del fuoco sono intervenuti in una scuola dove erano rimasti bloccati sei adulti e decine di bimbi https://t.co/aTiA8NL5yT pic.twitter.com/gaygIVW6PH
— Sky tg24 (@SkyTG24) June 8, 2021
Cover photo: Vigili del Fuoco