Rome reborn.
Rome is going through a Renaissance, according to a new book published by Il Sole 24 Ore journalist Massimo Mascini, who claims that the capital is home of Italys best success stories. In his book Futuro Italiano, he traces Romes winning streak back to 1993 and the election of mayor of the day Francesco Rutelli. Backing up his arguments with survey data, Mascini says 88 per cent of young Romans wouldnt want to live anywhere else. On the job front, just 27 per cent of locals are now employed in the public administration, the traditional source of jobs in the capital. In this and other senses, tourism has helped the city with an annual total of six and a half million visitors. Mascini does not ignore the dirty streets and chronic traffic and transport problems, but he is backed by current mayor Walter Veltroni, who says that while Italy is falling in world tourism stakes, Rome continues to grow.
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