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Rome transport referendum fails to reach quorum

Only 16.3 per cent showed up to vote in Rome public transport referendum.

A referendum on 11 November asking Romans to vote whether or not they wanted to liberalise the city's public transport network failed to reach the required 33 per cent quorum for the results to be declared valid.
About 386,900 voters - just 16.3 per cent of the city's almost 2.4 million voters - turned up to vote on the future of the capital's troubled public transport company ATAC, with 74 per cent voting in favour of liberalisation.
The goal of the non-binding referendum was to put an end to ATAC's near monopoly and to liberalise the capital's public transport by putting the sector out to tender.
The lowest turn-out (9.3 per cent) was in the disadvantaged east suburb of Tor Bella Monaca while the highest (25.3 per cent) was recorded in the more affluent S. Lorenzo-Parioli-Salario-Nomentano town hall, where 88 per cent voted "yes".
There were numerous reports across Rome of voters who showed up without their electoral cards not being allowed to vote, despite the city stating that registered voters were not required to carry their cards with them.
Rome's mayor Virginia Raggi, whose populist Movimento 5 Stelle administration had been on the No side, said: "ATAC will remain in the hands of the citizens."
The promoters of the referendum, the Radicali Italiani, said they will appeal against the decision to invalidate the outcome, arguing there should be no quorum as it was an advisory referendum, according to Italian news agency ANSA.

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