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Rome’s private palaces open their courtyards

The Lazio branch of the association of historic houses, Associazione Dimore Storiche Italiane (ADSI), provides a unique opportunity to visit the courtyards of some of Rome’s most important historic homes on Saturday 25 May.

The annual Cortili Aperti initiative involves a visit to the courtyards of 10 private palaces which are usually closed to the public, on Saturday 25 May from 10.00-19.00. The visits take place in the presence of ADSI guides as well as the owners of the properties.

Four of the palaces will be enlivened with a reading theatrical performance titled “Le donne, i cavalieri, le corti romane” on the occasion of the sixth European Youth Week, which runs from 26 May to 2 June.

The four palaces participating in the historical-theatrical walk are Palazzo Lante (16.30), Palazzo Massimo Lancellotti (17.00), Palazzo Taverna (17.30), and Palazzo Sforza Cesarini (18.00) where a special exhibition examines the ancient ties between the Sforza Cesarini and Aldobrandeschi noble families.

The non-profit organisation ADSI was founded in 1977 to help in the conservation, development and management of historic homes and to raise public awareness of Italy’s cultural heritage.

The visits on 25 May are free and do not require reservations. For more information tel. 066832774, e-mail lazio@adsi.it, and for full Rome programme see the ADSI website.

Below is a list of the 10 palaces:

Palazzo Odescalchi, Piazza SS. Apostoli 81.

Palazzo Lante, Piazza dei Caprettari 70.

Palazzo Costaguti, Piazza Mattei 10.

Palazzo Massimo Lancellotti, Piazza Navona 114.

Palazzo Montoro, Via di Montoro 8.

Palazzo Borghese, Via di Fontanella Borghese 19.

Palazzo Taverna, Via di Monte Giordano 36.

Palazzo Altieri, Piazza del Gesù 49.

Palazzo Massimo alle Colonne, Corso Vittorio Emanuele 141.

Palazzo Sforza Cesarini, Corso Vittorio Emanuele 282.

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