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Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia

Rome's Autumn of Culture

To coincide with the European Days of Patrimony, Rome is hosting a weekend of art, with free entry to state museums on 25 and 26 September. Held annually across Europe since 1991, the European Days of Patrimony are designed to emphasise the common cultural heritage shared between Europeans. Venues involved in the event include the Borghese Gallery, Maxxi and the Colosseum.

However, the weekend of art forms part of a larger initiative announced by Italy's ministry for cultural heritage. Rome's Autumn of Culture includes two new events: Art Tuesday takes place on 28 September between 19.00 and 23.00 and involves the free late-opening of nine museums in Rome, including Palazzo Barberini and Castel S. Angelo. Meanwhile venues opening for free outside Rome include Tivoli's Villa d'Este and Villa Adriana, and the Monterozzi necropolis in Tarquinia, 20 km north of Civitavecchia. 15 of its 150 Etruscan tombs, many of them decorated with frescoes, can be visited.

On 3 October between 09.00 and 20.00, Paper Sunday is designed to provide greater awareness of the accessibility of literature in Rome. With free entry to 46 libraries across the city, 11 of which are part of state buildings, the day's events include lectures, concerts and guided tours.

For more information see:

General Info

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Marymount - International School Rome