Rome's Lido to get more trains.
Beach trains from Romes Porta S. Paolo to Lido di Ostia will be getting more than just a facelift from 1 October. Their frequency will increase from every 10 to every eight minutes, and by the end of the year they are expected to run just like the metro every five minutes (in theory). This is all thanks to an injection of 20 trains, which formerly served the metro A line, and which are now being reconditioned in a special Met.Ro unit at Magliana. This clinica dei treni (train clinic) is a 92,000 sqm complex with 1.5 km of track and 100 staff, and will be a service centre for Romes entire underground network, as well as some overland locomotives. It has cost 300,000 to refurbish the first of the 30-year old trains, painted in silver, blue and cream and called freccia del mare (sea arrow), although a new train would have carried a price tag of 10 million, according to Met.Ro president Stefano Bianchi.
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