Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Marymount - International School Rome
Taco 700 x 180

Romes noise off the scale.

A new report by Italian environmental pressure group Legambiente has highlighted Romes growing problem with noise. Based on research carried out in the district surrounding the citys busy Via Casilina, noise levels were found to far exceed the limits set by the European Union. Measured over a three-day period, the amount of din during daytime hours was 15 decibels over the legal limit (60db) while nocturnal noise was registered at 24db above the night time maximum of 50db. The tests also uncovered record levels of atmospheric pollution to add to the acoustic anomalies; the carbon particle (soot) content in the air was 7 milligrams over the 50mg ceiling.

RCC -  724x450
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RCC 1920x190
Taco 320 x 480
Temple ASAP