Rubbish disposal on Sunday.
On Sun 5 Dec the Rome city refuse disposal department, AMA, in collaboration with TG3 Lazio, the regional television news of RAI 3, is offering free disposal of any large items of rubbish, to the residents of the odd-numbered municipalities of the city..The rubbish has to be brought to one of the collection points in the various zones. At the same time a collection point for ecologically-dangerous rubbish, such as old computers, televisions, batteries, old ink cartridges, printers, and old refrigerators will be available at 10 of these points. Collection points will be open on Sun morning 08.00 -13.00. For information about where to take your rubbish tel.800867035 Mon-Thurs 08.00-17.00 and Fri 08.00-14.00. Fri afternoons and weekends tel. 0651693339 or 0651693340.
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