S. Lorenzo control night time traffic.
Residents in S. Lorenzo breathe a sigh of relief as a new electronic system will be put into place from 6 May, keeping the flow of traffic in the area in check. It will relieve the police officers who are currently stationed during the busiest evenings at the main inroads into the area, which has a thriving nightlife scene.
From May to October (excluding August), from 21.00 to 03.00, seven checkpoints, which make use of CCTV cameras to record vehicles entering and exiting the area, will be activated from Wednesday to Saturday. From November to April, access will also be banned on Friday and Saturday. They will be located in Via degli Umbri, Via dei Sardi, Via dei Volsci, Via dei Piceni, Via degli Ausoni, Via degli Equi and Via di Porta Labicana, and will allow free access to cars displaying disabled parking stickers, motorbikes, scooters and taxis, as well as residents with the necessary permits:
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