Speeding up permits.
Speeding up permits
The new immigration office in Via A. Pasini has agreed to speed up the issuing and renewal of permessi di soggiorno for foreigners and has taken on 40 extra temporary staff to make the system more efficient. This follows hunger strikes and demonstrations organised by immigrant groups in Rome in October (see Wanted in Rome 20 October 2004, page 11).
Four special counters are now open from Monday to Friday 09.00-12.00, where a temporary permit or renewal of an existing permit will be issued immediately to people in the following categories: pregnant women, so that they can benefit from free medical care; non-European Union nationals applying for permits for business reasons or for tourism (when applying they must present a visa for entry into Italy issued by the Italian embassy in their country of origin as well as all the other documents requested); and EU nationals who need a permit to open a commercial activity or take part in a concorso, a competition for a job within the state sector.
Ufficio Immigrazione, Via A. Pasini 1, 00158 Rome, tel. 0646861.
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