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6 Nations 2025
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A cricket tournament is in full swing in the Caffarella Park on the Via Appia. Taking place every Sunday from April until the middle of July, most of members of the ten participating teams come from south Asian countries...
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The Masters Series Rome takes place at the Foro Italico from 9-15 May. One of the most anticipated annual events on the tennis calendar, the Masters welcomes all major male and female tennis world champions. The clay sur...
A committee called Roma Capitale del Rugby has been established to keep Rome as the seat of the Six Nations rugby tournament. Recent media reports have suggested that Italy's home Six Nations matches look set to be playe...
Italy's home Six Nations matches look set to be played in Florence after the Italian Rugby Federation (FIR) lost patience with the owners of Rome's embattled Stadio Flaminio. After complaining for years over the condi...
The AS Roma football club will probably change owner on 28 March according to Rome
The 17th Rome Marathon takes place on Sunday 20 March at 09.00 on Via dei Fori Imperiali. This year's record turn-out sees 16,188 athletes from 84 nations competing in the 42 km marathon: 9,147 Italian and 7,041 foreign...
Saturday 26 Feb Italy
The 37th Rome
Luca Cordero di Montezemolo has said that he will not be chairman of the organising committee for the candidacy of Rome
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
6 Nations 25
Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia
Yesterday the board of directors of Newco Roma, a company controlled by the Sensi family and Unicredit (both owners of the football team), has opened negotiations for the acquisition of AS Roma by the US consortium led b...
Meet Pipa the hippopotamus, the newly-anointed mascot of the 2011 Rome Marathon being held on 20 March. Born in Spain
Ireland kicks off its 2011 rugby campaign with a Six Nations match against their World Cup opponents Italy in Rome's Stadio Flaminio on Saturday 5 February at 15.30. Although the hugely popular
By the end of January deadline for bids to buy one of Rome
As the Six Nations rugby tournament looms, the age-old controversy surrounding the future of the Flaminio stadium as the home of Italian rugby has reared its head again. The city of Rome and the Italian Rugby Federation...
Rome's mayor Gianni Alemanno has formally abandoned the city's dream of holding a controversial Formula One race though the streets of its EUR district in the south of Rome from 2013. The news was greeted with regret...
Rome's Formula One hopes fade Rome's hopes of holding a Formula One race from 2013 through the streets of its EUR district in the south of the city have suffered a substantial setback as the head of F1 Bernie Ecclesto...
An ice rink for amateurs and professionals, children and adults has opened in Rome close to Piazza Mancini, one of the city
The Circus Maximus is the location for this year's Corso Futurista on Saturday 4 September. Meaning 'futuristic run', the run is inspired by an artistic movement founded by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti at the start of the t...
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